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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2013-07-09

From mediawiki.org

July 9th


ULS & ml.wiki


SUL release: This bug report is instructive about how SUL will behave. Note the two redirects upon logging in to an SUL wiki. https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/72365/6/features/uls_ime.feature https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50334 working with Amir on a browser test for Malayam ULS: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/72365/6/features/uls_ime.feature . The behavior of CTRL-M In this situation is not yet clear.

Today's quarterly review


https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Volunteer_coordination_and_outreach/ECT_July_2013_quarterly_review lessons learned - talk about code review backlog - fixed

  • metrics, specific focus areas to widen bottlenecks, figuring out how to do maintainership right - will address

nuance re "lack of awareness" - fixed nuance re pm volunteers - fixed quim to give women OPW/GSoC stats remove [1] - fixed Goals: 10+ volunteers writing automated tests? now 6: fixed add to "next" that Guillaume on VE for 1/3 of this quarter - fixed demote community metrics thing - fixed Open questions if we have time:

  • are there changes we need to be making to wikitech.wikimedia.org/mediawiki? What are your pain points?
  • coding and review bottlenecks we want to fix:
   are JavaScript and security the top priorities?
   Tech talks & helping produce & curate videos/tutorials - ok approach?
   What about performance and Puppetization?


  • No need to chat, but for http://korma.wmflabs.org/ Quim needs your input on KEY metrics, things that help measuring our performance or making decisions e.g. "time to resolve bugs", "time to resolve gerrit changesets", etc.
    • +1 to time to resolve gerrit changesets
    • also, # of open changesets (not opened)
    • break down by branch? eg 1.21 vs 1.22 dev cycles comparison
  • Also Quim wants to say Thank You for the Tech News. It's been several weeks now and the quality / interest stands. Well done!
    Please share this with user:odder, who's been doing an awesome job on tech news, sometimes doing all the work
    I will. Quim.

Upcoming changes/dates

  • Guillaume possibly a couple days off in August/September; will provide tentative dates as soon as they're known
  • Andre:
    • July Wed31-August Mon05: GNOME GUADEC (Brno/CZ)
    • August Wed07-August Mon12: Wikimania (Hongkong/PRC)
    • October Fri04-Sun06: Mozilla Summit 2013
  • Sumana
    • July 16th: all-day meeting
  • Quim flying to Germany this weekend, will work from there until Wikimania, except
    • Quim on holidays July 24-31. Then flying to Hong Kong on Aug 2.
  • Željko:
  • July: some unavailability
    • August 16-18, eurucamp, Berlin, Germany (maybe, waiting for reply if my workshop is accepted, not likely)
    • September 6-7, BalCCon, Novi Sad, Serbia (talk accepted!)
    • November 7, SQA Days-14, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Chris:
    • Aug 4-10 Agile2013 - "radically open software testing"

Other conference deadlines:

  • LCA : July 20th http://linux.conf.au/media/news/1
  • FOSDEM - with Siebrand, Quim is chasing FOSDEM people :) - as soon as there is a call for devrooms/booths Quim will start discussion