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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2013-05-21

From mediawiki.org

21 May 2013


Tech ambassadors



  • TODO: Sumana to give Guillaume some names/email of people to test this out

Tech weekly news



  • a volunteer helped a lot
  • lots of little tweaks that will make the next ones easier
  • Guillaume has reached out to a lot of people to suggest they subscribe or contribute, including Signpost-like entities
  • suggestion: crowdsource monitoring of important tech changes
  • next: blog post
  • 5 or 6 complete translations of the first issue!
  • Guillaume's involvement to gradually drop lower

Tech/News may have a little too much to read to explore -- move "read latest news" higher up? Will it be translated before posting to village pumps?

  • first version was posted to VP on all wikis with a note saying "just this first one will be posted here" - people can subscribe so it's posted to a community page or a talkpage
  • next time: translation before distribution
    • Different communities will want different tradeoffs. Ask McBride whether he could add a feature to global distro bot: if there's an existing translation, even incomplete, bot posts translation? But that would be complicated, moreso than current setup
      • They choose whether they want en version directly posted on VP (distribution list)

Already done: contact the Signpost-like publications. In a month: contact again those who have not subscribed yet

Amsterdam prep





wikimedia-l thread/rules for volunteers' participation: Andre figuring out policy re adminship in BZ, groups - aim for early June for having a policy stated

https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Calendar Next week: Quim to consider how to work with intern re June testing activities

Other conferences/dates

  • Guillaume possibly a couple days off in June or July; will provide tentative dates as soon as they're known
  • Andre:
    • Holidays (BE/NL) May Mon20-Thu23 -- any replacement available? Quim maybe? I'll be here--Quim
    • likely in SF from Jun Tue11-Mon17
    • OpenSourceBridge (Portland/Oregon) Jun Tue18-Fri21
  • Sumana
    • Wed & Fri May 15 & 17 off
    • a little vacation before & after Amsterdam
    • Some time traveling or training in June, + OSBridge
  • Quim vaguely thinking on some holidays in July. Specific dates coming soon.
  • Željko:
    • May 15-17, DORS/CLUC 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
    • May 18-23, vacation, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • May 24-26, Wikimedia Hackathon, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • June 10-12, Selenium Conference, Boston, MA, USA
    • August 16-18, eurucamp, Berlin, Germany (maybe, waiting for reply if my talk is accepted)
    • September 6-7, BalCCon, Novi Sad, Serbia (maybe, waiting for reply if my talk is accepted)
  • Chris:
    • May 24-26, Wikimedia Hackathon, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • Aug 4-10 Agile2013 - "radically open software testing"