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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2011-08-23

From mediawiki.org




  • Last week I sent off bug reports to get patches added to enable hiphop for Debian. cURL guy wrote back, much more discussion neded there. Part of what I'm doing this week.
  • Sent FIXMEs to a lot of people. Need to get the FIXME e-mail thing to work smoother/quicker.
  • Going to work on the CR trendline chart. We have 2 years worth of data in the chart, and it would be nice to be able to focus on where we're at NOW. Want to blow that part up and put a trendline on it, so we can see where we are doing (not) well. http://toolserver.org/~robla/crstats/crstats.trunkall.html and the /phase3/ and 1.18 variations
  • Work with Sumana and tag revs for review.
  • This week's triage is about the Collection extension by PediaPress. I feel there's not that much momentum, but we'll see in the triage. Hope to get more volunteers involved.
  • Still need ideas for next week's triage. Please help! -> i18n/L10n (internationalisation and localisation) and other language support issues.

Mark, could you please maintain the list of recent and upcoming triages (and their topic) at Bug management/Triage ? Ideally a mini-report of how the session went would be awesome, but for now an up-to-date list would be great. The mini-reports you send to wikitech-l could be added as status updates on Bug management/status



Last week: pushed New Orleans hackathon, Google doc sprint, GSoC wrapup, volunteer encouragement, and conference attendance. TODO this week:

  • Google Summer of Code evaluations
  • Process description for SocialCoding4Good (program between OS software & big corps)
  • New Orleans hackathon planning & recruitment (HUGE, includes gadgets/templates outreach)
  • OSCON & Wikimania reports & follow-up
  • Work with Mark on revision tagging
  • Standard: publicizing parser/visual editor work, recruiting & encouragement



Last week: July engineering report, communications support. Full report at https://office.wikimedia.org/wiki/Report:Guillaume/2011-08-21 Public Wikimedia to-do list: https://www.toodledo.com/public/td4e4b7b435dcc1/0/1440335/Wikimediapublic.html This week:

  • caught up on own reports, inc. Wikimania trip report
  • Now working on August report, follow-up and planning on book project (w/ Sumana)

http://www.aosabook.org/en/index.html - Sumana, does this book look at OOS from a technical perspective? Yes, it's a "how does it work, and how did we get there". Architecture of the software, and (good and bad) architecture decisions that led us there. Thanks! np =) Might be useful, I have a closer look. Some background: they're doing Volume 2 of the book, and they contacted us to write a chapter on MediaWiki.


  • More Platform Engineering blog posts (yay!)
  • Helping Erik with Google Tech Talk (my topics: GSoC, HipHop, code review process) (Erik, Alolita and I are going there, and we also have other meetings planned). Will post link to video after when I find it.
  • Phone screens for several candidates (QA Lead and Analytics)
  • Selenium meetup tonight in SF (yay!) - local QA community!
  • Nagging tasks: fenari cleanup (hacks that are not checked into Subversion and need backing up and tracking), 1.18 fixmes - code review is going exceptionally well, FIXMEs are not keeping up pace, which is probably because fixing FIXMEs take longer and as we review we mark more things FIXME. May be a blocker to deployment.
  • NDA and access - RobLa is working on it. :)


  • First draft of the proposal is out - waiting for comments. Not yet public because it is in progress. If you are interested I can send it to you. (Sumana promises to review and give comments sometime soon!)
  • Moved first month of email communication from TechList into TAMS (Text Analysis Markup System), enables mostly qualitative analyis of data based on tags
  • Started with playing around a bit with the bug data and Eclipse crashed; now I have to install everything again before I can proceed - as usual :)


  • I have a first idea for a visualization of the bug status changes I hope I find the time to make some progress on that


  • been thanking random contributors at translatewiki.net (last 250-500 RC entries) on their talk pages for their efforts with personalised messages. (yes, true, I just read a study on it) They appear to like that very much given the positive feedback. Even though time consuming, looking into their edit patterns and really being interested is what I hope will keep them enaged.
  • done backporting of L10n to 1.16/1.17/1.18 and some language maintenance on wmf deployment branch. Also almost broke production if NeilK hadn't found out I committed a compile error (6 actually). Thought we had compile error pre commit checks, but unfortunately those do not work (!).
  • Kiwix localisation support added to translatewiki.net. Last week there were ~750 contributions to translations for it. On a roll! translatewiki:Translating:Kiwix

This week planned:

  • Newsletter translatewiki.net (delayed from last week)
  • Respond to India conference organisers on what I'd like with the hackathons in India in November
  • Submit talk proposal for Wikimedia India conference
  • finally start inventory of 22 official languages and support for them in MediaWiki (going to make a big table on mediawiki.org) so we know what needs doing (display, input, etc.). Will give insight in (I think) 50-or-so small relatively simple volunteer tasks, and the L10n team can pick up on the larger areas or the areas that are not being picked up.
  • Get my SIP extension so we no longer need Skype calls.

Call ends after 32 minutes.