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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2011-11-15

From mediawiki.org



Firefox is having issues with the very long etherpad here. Could we move to a monthly pad perhaps? Good idea. Today I will archive the old stuff on mediawiki.org and keep this November-only, etc. --Sumana Great, thanks :)

List of projects


Architecture of Open Source Applications book chapter Bug Triage Bugzilla management Hackathons

  • India

Commit Access Recruitment/encouragement Monthly report Communication support Engineering project documentation 1.18 deployment & release support Recruiting/hiring Code review meistering

  • mentorship/office hours plan

Mentor Summit Dev community metrics SocialCoding4Good Training documentation Wikimedia blog maintenance

Who's doing what


Sumana - AOSA recruiting, India hackathon prep & mentor summit followup, commit access, recruitment/encouragement, code review meistering, Socialcoding4good Guillaume - AOSA, engineering project doc, staff photos, training doc, Wikimedia blog maintenance Mark H - bugzilla admin, code review, bug triage, 1.18 deployment & release support 1.18 release, patch review Rob - Hiring, 1.18 release Siebrand - not on call, India hackathon Claudia - Bugzilla database



Sumana has been rounding up developers to help address the remaining FIXMEs, and Guillaume has been integrating the feedback and comments into the doc. The FIXMEs have almost all been addressed now, and we're just waiting for Trevor to deliver all the nice diagrams before submitting the second revision of the doc to the editors.

  • Sumana to check in with Trevor more today -- DONE

Staff photos


Done! 43 photos over the last 4 weeks. wmf:Staff and contractors ; there are a few (2-3) left

Engineering project documentation


Mostly done. We now have a WMF engineering portal: Wikimedia Engineering (and we still have the team hubs: Wikimedia Features engineering and Wikimedia Platform Engineering ). Guillaume has updated the templates & project pages for make adjustments. The next steps are:

  • clean up the associated categories
  • get people to use the hubs
  • Rob to set aside time to do it -- core team has material to plug in, need to transfer info over


  • Sumana to consider whether/how to publicize, get vols for this

Bug Triage


Mark planning a patch review session and a triage session in the future: wants to run these two weekly Sumana working on getting more people to review patches Rusty Burchfield wrote a tool to go through the existing patches in BZ to cehck if they could be applied to trunk, and there's only 50 of them; the others are obsolete due to bitrot

Bugzilla management


Mark has been going through unprioritized bugs monthly to find missing WMF-interest components -- mostly this is about making sure we don't miss some extension we use (like WikiEditor) while being able to ignore bugs re: SMW. I go through unprioritized bugs ins WMF interest areas daily. I also went through high/highest priority bugs and cleaned them up; now down to 8, which will actually be assigned and addressed really soon w:en:User:MarkAHershberger/Weekly_reports/2011-11-14 w:en:User:MarkAHershberger/Current_TODOs Mark to write summaries on 8 highest priority bugs



Sumana did a lot of outreach last week Today & tomorrow: planning sprints There'll be a lot of WMF people there

Commit Access


queue is low; criteria clearer within the team

  • Sumana to email wikitech-l



Sumana continues, needs to delegate more Guillaume to finish updating the MW flyer today or tomorrow

Monthly report


Mostly on hold for now. Guillaume is attending team meetings (Features, Ops) to keep up with what's being done. About 60% of the report, Guillaume can write based on existing notes & material. Ideal situation: Guillaume would only have to polish info that is already available on wiki, which would take 2-3 days instead of a whole week every month. Are there meetings where if more notes got taken, those would be useful for Guillaume?

Communication support

  • Sumana to look in IRC logs re what people wanted possible tech communication support (possible Guillaume help opportunity)

1.18 deployment & release support


Rob says: there's the last little bits of merge activity going on. We keep finding blockers creeping back onto list. (The tarball milestone is empty, though. Are these anywhere else?) We have divided up or triaged all remaining work, and we might have a release candidate today. PLEASE sometime this week! Mark working on this, including release notes re known defects, Rob. Comm support: ensuring release notes are in good shape & there is a corresponding blog post. There's usually a summary page on mediawiki.org that highlights most important facts about release. MediaWiki 1.18

  • Guillaume to collaborate with Mark on polishing that page ^^ Fine to work on that now.
    • Guillaume will look at the page later today
  • Mark to ensure release notes mention known defects.
  • Mark to email wikitech-l to announce RC1 and ask for users whose installs work to sign up on a page
  • Sumana to make that page

Code review meistering


Got remaining 1.18 tarball merges reviewed yesterday. Looks like Reedy has merged 'em all today. Now to keep the review queue down overall. We have to keep on top of this

* mentorship / office hours plan


on hold

Mentor Summit

  • Sumana to do followup this week

Dev community metrics


on hold


  • Sumana to email wikitech-l this week

Training documentation


Guillaume started an inventory at Volunteer coordination and outreach/Training materials ; Guillaume and Sumana will discuss an action plan right after this meeting

Wikimedia blog maintenance


Guillaume got access to Labs to set up a blog prototype, but this is quite complex so he's going to ask RobH if he can help with the puppet stuff, so Guillaume can focus on the actual coding. Guillaume now planning the work ahead. Also ask johnduhart for volunteer ops help? needed: import config into labs stuff, configure things. Since RobH is in SF, maybe he can sit with Ryan & do it quickly Blog maintenance.... Guillaume is a facilitator, not a gatekeeper.



4 screens set up this week more to come Rob posted blog post for TLDR



Sumana gone tomorrow to Monday Then Thanksgiving Rob: 24-25 Mark? Sumana: 24-25 Guillaume: maybe 24 & 25