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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2013-05-14

From mediawiki.org

14 May 2013



  • TODO - Once the board approves the budget, let's talk about how to plan to use the VDC budget & the dev tools contractor budget
  • TODO - Quim, Rob & Sumana to discuss metrics contract

ambassadors / noticeboard notifications



  • Does that make sense?
  • mediawiki.org or meta around Tech (Guillaume currently thinking meta, but there are arguments for both)
  • any questions / comments / advice?

"Less is more" discussion


Proposal by Quim: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Technical_communications#Technical_communications:_less_is_more Quim: let's try to think about activities when posting a tech blog post, and vice versa, just to check if closer collaboration is relevant

wikimedia-l thread/rules for volunteers' participation


Andre figuring out policy re adminship in BZ, groups - aim for early June for having a policy stated

Quick update by Andre about his outreach to dev teams for regular triage meetings (if time left)


https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bug_management/Development_teams_usage Some teams Andre meets with regularly. Some teams take care of triage on their own. And then on TODO: Echo in E2, QA component.

  • AFT is better now - fewer unprioritized & Highest
  • WM Labs - Andre can change priorities; the Labs team doesn't really use it.

Situation is a lot better than it was 6 months ago!

Vacations, conferences

  • Guillaume possibly a couple days off in June or July; will provide tentative dates as soon as they're known
  • Andre:
    • Holidays (BE/NL) May Mon20-Thu23 -- any replacement available? Quim maybe? I'll be here--Quim
    • likely in SF from Jun Tue11-Mon17
    • OpenSourceBridge (Portland/Oregon) Jun Tue18-Fri21
  • Sumana
    • Wed & Fri May 15 & 17 off
    • a little vacation before & after Amsterdam
    • Some time traveling or training in June, + OSBridge
  • Quim vaguely thinking on some holidays in July. Specific dates coming soon.
  • Željko:
    • May 15-17, DORS/CLUC 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
    • May 18-23, vacation, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • May 24-26, Wikimedia Hackathon, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • June 10-12, Selenium Conference, Boston, MA, USA
    • August 16-18, eurucamp, Berlin, Germany (maybe, waiting for reply if my talk is accepted)
    • September 6-7, BalCCon, Novi Sad, Serbia (maybe, waiting for reply if my talk is accepted)
  • Chris:
    • May 13-17 relocating, details TBD
    • May 24-26, Wikimedia Hackathon, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • Aug 4-10 Agile2013 - "radically open software testing"