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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2012-05-29

From mediawiki.org

Engineering Community Team meeting, 29 May 2012

Attending: Mark, Sumana, Guillaume, Chris

List of projects

  • Testing infrastructure/automation (incl Labs)
  • Feature testing efforts
  • Community testing planning
  • 20% time wrangling
  • 1.20 deployment
  • Git and Gerrit migration
  • Bugzilla application management
  • Wikimedia blog maintenance
  • Training documentation
  • Monthly report
  • Communications support
  • Engineering activity documentation
  • Recruiting/hiring
  • Wikimania
  • Hackathons/events (January SF, Pune, Berlin, Wikimania)
    • Conferences in general
  • Gerrit project owner groups
  • Recruitment/encouragement
    • GSOC
    • UCOSP
  • Dev community metrics

Who's doing what (this week)


Chris: Testing infrastructure/automation. Hiring. Feature testing efforts. OpenHatch test event for AFT announcement Mark: Deployment support, BZ application management, bug squad -- finishing up Guillaume: communications support, engineering project documentation, Wikimania, monthly report RobLa: Recruiting/hiring, 1.20 deployment Sumana: Volunteer recruiting and encouragement (including GSoC), hackathons and events/conferences in general, Gerrit project ownership, Developer access, 20% time wrangling Claudia: Dev community metrics

Testing infrastructure/automation


Chris: Ongoing labs followup and status reporting.

Labs Great improvements recently from Antoine, but TMH is still not fit to be tested.

It's in Antoine's hands now. He's rebuilding it in Puppet.... Chris is project managing this activity Watch the wikivideo mailing list.

  • Chris to fwd to labs-l

Antoine's still on top of it

Feature testing efforts


TimedMediaHandler, Editor Engagement (AFTv5)

(AFT and hopefully EE also - PageTriage)

Community testing planning


planning OpenHatch event - June 9th, Sat, 10am-noon Pacific Time https://blog.wikimedia.org/2012/05/22/collaborative-software-testing-you-can-help/

  • will announce to Chris's blog, twitter, WTA, OpenHatch

AFT test event with OpenHatch ramps up publicity this week. Making joint announcement today, 29 May 2012

  • wikitech-ambassadors
  • use Global broadcast meta --

Chris to begin planning a 3rd community testing event possibly for July or August. I have a lead to follow up on next week, but not sure it will pan out.


20% time wrangling


Sumana - concentrating on backlogged extensions + code review (including patches)

1.20 deployment


Is getting routine.

about 5 highest-priority bugs come in every 2 weeks? been rapidly addressed

  • TODO: Mark to check on that # and whether it is trending up/steady/down -- Mark to get those stats together
  • TODO: Mark to add ChrisM to the list of people to alert with new highest-priority bugs

Git and Gerrit migration


New repo backlog - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Git/New_repositories/Requests Sumana managing Danielle Git tutorial improved: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Git/Tutorial

Bugzilla application management


Have a sponsor (in WMF!) for the Debian package for Bugzilla - Faidon (paravoid). Discussion on wikitech-l for improvment of bz workflow. To continue into June Work this week on some basic template fixes that will bring small usablity improvements

  • TODO: Mark to get the draft to people. They're in templatetoolkit - Mark will stick into a patch in Bugzilla.

Mark found an extension that he wants installed - to let an individual without admin rights track a component. "Component Watching" or the like. Mutante to install it. RT https://rt.wikimedia.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=3029

Wikimedia blog maintenance


still on hold this week

Training documentation


Contractor working on ResourceLoader/Gadgets 2.0 docs, Git docs, security training docs, Lua stuff

Monthly report


getting started this week RMoen's status helper was released last week, in beta. Not used by WMF engineers for now apparently

Communications support


Guillaume following up on requests, blog post reviews, etc. getting more requests for review/help, which is taking time but GOOD

Engineering activity documentation


trying to find someone to adapt fr.wiki's assessment gadget before the hackathon for a possible ops sprint



Sumana continuing to work on bug wrangler hiring, contract help for tutorials


Chris working on QA engineer hiring. (QA reviews and interview.) Ongoing candidate review, looking forward to QA Volunteer Coord announcement.


  • deprioritized last week
  • Guillaume FINALLY started 11 years presentation; didn't get far, but still
  • Sumana & Rob & Guillaume to take a start at transparency talk next week in Berlin

Hackathons/events (January SF, Berlin, Wikimania)


Sumana working on Berlin prep Sumana working on Wikimania hackathon RfP

Conferences in general


Sumana to start writing OSBridge keynote

Gerrit project owner groups


Sumana doing regularly



Sumana running developer access queue Sumana & Mark continuing to do this.

Mark finding personalized tasks for Bug Squad people

(BZ - Thehelpfulone)

  • TODO: Mark to contact some BZ admins re privs



Sumana Kickoff! Need to do IRC HOWTO, argh



Sumana starting quick postmortem

  • TODO: talk with Yuvi & Amgine in Berlin

Dev community metrics


- Mark & Chris successfully talked to Claudia :) - setting up R<>BugzillaAPI connection - collecting information to Bugzilla Management (setting up the "wall") - analyzing the development of patch submissions over the last years


  • Berlin hackathon affecting your colleagues May 29-June 4th
  • Guillaume: Berlin from May 30th to June 4th