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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2012-07-24

From mediawiki.org

Attending: Sumana, Guillaume, Chris

List of projects

  • Testing infrastructure/automation (incl Labs)
  • Feature testing efforts
  • Community testing planning
  • 20% time wrangling
  • 1.20 deployment
  • Git and Gerrit migration
  • Training documentation
  • Monthly report
  • Communications support
  • Tech ambassadors
  • Engineering activity documentation
  • Recruiting/hiring
  • Wikimania
  • Hackathons/events (January SF, Pune, Berlin, Wikimania, future)
    • Conferences in general
  • Gerrit project owner groups
  • Recruitment/encouragement
    • GSOC
    • UCOSP
  • Dev community metrics
  • HR feedback

Who's doing what (this week)


Chris: AFT productization, check bug fix for 3 power users, deployment, QA Eng hiring, beta labs improvements for AFT Guillaume: communications support, tech ambassadors, monthly report, chasing reliable wifi RobLa: Recruiting/hiring, 1.20 deployment Sumana: Volunteer recruiting and encouragement (including GSoC), hackathons and events/conferences in general, Gerrit project ownership, Developer access, 20% time wrangling, yearly assessment Claudia: Dev community metrics

Feature testing efforts


Isolated AFT bug affecting small number of AFT power users to particular bit of javascript, potential fix to be deployed today, will be following up on that behavior.

Community testing planning


Contacted Visual Editor team so they know testing (both me and community) is available

20% time wrangling


Sumana (if you see something that needs doing, tell Rob while Sumana is away)

1.20 deployment


-- is becoming routine Guillaume to consider working on deployment communications plan

Git and Gerrit migration


Training documentation


New stuff from OpenHatch

  • Sumana: need to write checklists for Rob to follow

Monthly report


Get your statuses in regularly! Next week: Aug 1 deadline

Communications support


Guillaume continues to follow up on occasional requests, blog post reviews, etc.

Tech ambassadors

  • started to assemble a list of possible ambassadors
  • started to put together a plan of action

Engineering activity documentation


Activity pages are being updated in parallel with the monthly report



Sumana continuing to work on bug wrangler hiring, QA volunteer coordinator, and tech events coordinator

Chris has inquiry from acquaintance for Bug Wrangler


Chris working on QA engineer hiring. (QA reviews and interview.) Ongoing candidate review. Tech and panel interviews finished for four candidates.




Hackathons/events (January SF, Berlin, Wikimania)


Sumana working on Wikimania hackathon followup, need to do SF & Berlin followup,

Conferences in general


Sumana to write blog post about OSB

Gerrit project owner groups


Sumana doing regularly - need to delegate for vacation



Sumana running developer access queue, recruited others to help Sumana continuing to do this.



Sumana need to continue, & delegate



Did postmortem

  • Sumana: to email wikitech-l and other groups about future projects

Dev community metrics




Sumana's upcoming vacation Guillaume - more asynchronous than usual till 6 Aug