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Engineering Community Team/Meetings/2011-10-25

From mediawiki.org

List of projects


AOSA Bug Triage Bugzilla management Hackathons

  • NOLA
  • India

Commit Access Recruitment/encouragement Monthly report Communication support 1.18 deployment & release support Recruiting/hiring Code review meistering

  • mentorship/office hours plan

Mentor Summit Metrics

Who's doing what


(cleared so we update it) Sumana - hackathon recruiting & followup, commit access, recruitment & encouragement, recruiting/hiring, mentorship/office hours plan, mentor summit, metrics Guillaume - AOSA chapter, Monthly report, Communication support, Engineering project documentation Mark H - 1.18 Tarball, AOSA review (minor), Bz Monitoring, Android App triage Rob - Recruiting/hiring, 1.18 release support, AOSA review Siebrand - India hackathon/l10n/twn

AOSA book


Guillaume completed the write-up ( MediaWiki architecture document/text ) and sent a call for review to wikitech-l. Not too much interest so far. Guillaume will be polishing and trimming it down a bit this week before submitting it to the editors next week

  • Sumana to send more explicit "what to add" thing to list -- G & S to talk offline - done
Going to read over this tonight.

Monthly report


On hold until today because of the AOSA chapter; Guillaume now working full-time on this for the remainder of the week; starting to burn out a bit, need to slow down after that

Wanna enable translation for this at Meta as an experiment?
it's on mediawiki.org -- talk to HaeB

Communications support


Doing some blog post reviews staff photos: processing will be resumed in November once the monthly report is out

Engineering project documentation


On hold, will be resumed in November: project index, roadmap, project pages, etc. G & S to talk offline about doc squad formation

Bug Triage


None last week, Android app with mobile looking like it will probably have good participation. Wrote up very short summary of NOLA triages.

  • Sumana to publicize next one: done

1.18 deployment support & release support


Deployment complete, still have a lot of regressions to deal with but other than bugzilla:31792 (Mediawiki losing old file versions upon undeletion in MW 1.18) I think they're dealt with. Now turning to tarball and pushing it out.

  • Rob to discuss with Mark: done

Code review meistering


Very pleased with having 75% of blockers less than 2 months old, but still a little frustrated that the number of blockers has climbed up to 50.

  • Rob to discuss with Mark - done

IRC office hours / mentoring?


On hold this week - Sumana to develop plan next week

NOLA hackathon


Running to keep up last week; no follow-ups yet; really need to be done. Blog post out, wikitech-l post out, follow-up with volunteers that expressed interest.

  • Sumana to write followups

Bugzilla management


Seems like the daily influx of bugs has increased somewhat. Not sure if this is b/c people are reporting them on Bz sooner or what. Also need to look at Claudia's DB schema and see if she has got an intern/student to populate it from API or if I should do that.

  • Claudia's student is still working on that, for another week.
  • Sumana to talk with Mark today - done

India hackathon


Things are going a little slow. Major issues getting money from US over to India. Currently trying to get some event organisers hired, because the volunteers (of which there is a shortage of), are all needed for the Wikimedia conference. Will assess registrations with Sumana (hopefully today or tomorrow), and triage the ones we're uncertain of in the sync-up tomorrow with Alolita, Tomasz and Sumana (should be <20% of the 70 or so registrations). Follow-up to them, too, through OTRS. Sumana: many people (~75) requested invitations; working w/ Siebrand to see who should come. To be finalized tomorrow end of day.

Commit access & recruitment/encouragement


No one showed up for the meeting last week. Need to post to wikitech-l to invite people to help with this Want to file ideas got from Mentor summit Following up on lots of pings & leads need to send out conferences-to-submit-to, "is anyone attending this conf? want swag?"

Localisation / translatewiki.net


We had a volunteer contact idle translators (100 or so) on languages with low localisation levels. Haven't analysed results yet, but initial feedback shows that a few became active, as we had hoped. Language support teams, something we're building with the Localisation team, is having a but of an unorganised start. GerardM to coordinate and communicate, but documentation at mediawiki.org should be improved, and communication through Wikimedia blog is only possible when the documentation structure is set up properly.

Recruiting / hiring


RobLa's update: Good analytics and QA lead candidates in the pipeline Had some good conversations at ZendCon and how we should get the most out of it. Lightning talk (how to start as a MediaWiki developer, extension developments, etc.) there can be worked into a "real talk". Unfortunately very low attendence (not happy with how conference organizers handled that).

  • We should work up a MediaWiki In The Enterprise talk for other conferences

Mentor summit


Sumana attended with MaxSem & Neil presented a session called "your Wikipedia integration sucks" Primary take-away: MediaWiki API not much known. Need to do more so that people need that they can use the API more and better. Deploy Max's API sandbox tool to improve understanding. MusicBrainz people want to integrate Wikimedia content; community issues, they don't want vandalism / errors Sumana is tired after three weeks of travel.


  • on hold



Asia FOSS conf ; Sumana may attend it since it's close to India hackathon