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Kaip pranešti klaidą

shortcut: BUGREPORT
From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page How to report a bug and the translation is 38% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Phabricator is for software bug reports, feature requests, and planning work.
  • To ask technical questions about Wikimedia projects, see m:Tech
  • To ask technical questions about MediaWiki in non-WMF installations, see Project:Support desk

Šios rekomendacijos paaiškina kaip parašyti gerą pranešimą apie klaidą arba ypatybės prašymą Vikimedijos klaidos paieškoje (daugiau informacijos žiūrėkite Fabrikatorius ). Efektyvūs klaidos pranešimai dažniausiai būna sutvarkyti. Pranešimai apie klaidas turi būti parašyti anglų kalba. Jei jūs nemokate rašyti anglų kalba, pabandykite panaudoti tokį automatinį vertėją kaip Google Translate.

Sparčios rekomendacijos pranešimams

  • Būk tikslus
  • Būk suprantamas: paaiškink kaip atstatyti problemą, žingsnį po žingsnio, kad kiti galėtų atstatyti klaidą arba suprasti prašymą.
  • Įtrauk tik vieną problemą į vieną užduotį
  • Įtrauk susijusias nuorodas ir pavyzdžius
  • Be clear: explain 1) how to reproduce the situation, step by step, without leaving any room for interpretation, 2) expected behavior, 3) actual behavior. In separate sections
  • Include only one specific bug or one specific feature request per task
  • Include any relevant links and examples

Prieš darant

Ar galiu atstatyti svarstomą problemą?

Try to reproduce your bug using a recent version of the software, to see whether it has already been fixed. If the bug is on a wiki site like Wikipedia, you could try testing the latest software version on test2.wikipedia.org.

Ar kiti jau pranešė svarstomą problemą?

Use the search box of Wikimedia's bugtracker to see if your bug has already been reported, or the feature requested. You can also perform more advanced searches on the advanced search page.

If you are unsure whether a bug has already been reported, you should report the bug. It is better to have duplicate bugs than it is to have unreported bugs.

Is it maybe a gadget / user script issue?

Some problems are a consequence of using user scripts and gadgets which need some fixes.

There is a guide available with steps how you can identify such code, which could fix your issue so that you do not waste your time reporting it.

Is it a caching issue?

Some issues relate to older cached HTML being served alongside newer JavaScript where the two are incompatible. To help determine if this is the cause it is helpful to purge the page, refresh the page and see if the issue persists and include this information in your bug report.

Naujos klaidos pranešimas arba ypatybės prašymas

Jeigu susidūrėte su klaida naujoje versijoje ir niekas apie ją dar nepranešę, tai:

  1. Eikite į phabricator.wikimedia.org.
  2. You will have to log in (or register) if you have not already done so (see "Creating your account ").
  3. Click the Bookmark button in the upper right corner and choose "Report a Software Bug" (or "Report a Security Issue" to report a security problem ).
  4. Užpildykite bent vieną iš šių laukų:
    • Title: A short one-sentence summary that explains the problem (not your suggested solution).
      • Geras: "Selecting gender is not functional on Special:Preferences"
      • Blogas: "Software crashes"
    • Aprašymas: Visos problemos detalės, aprašant kuo detaliau. Į tai įeina: If that is insufficient you will be asked for additional information along with guidance on how to obtain it. This field should include:
      • Klaidoms:
        • Steps to Reproduce: Minimized, easy-to-follow steps that will trigger the described problem. Include any special setup steps.
          1. Go to https://en.wikipedia.org with Internet Explorer version 10.0;
          2. Make sure you are logged in;
          3. Select "My Preferences" menu;
          4. Go to "Gender" and select female gender from box list;
          5. Click "Save" button.
        • Actual Results: What the application did after performing the above steps.
          "There is no female gender in front of my username."
        • Expected Results: What the application should have done, if there was no bug.
          "My gender is shown in front of my username."
      • Galimybių užklausos:
        • A description of what you would like to achieve, and why. Explain what you hope the feature will solve (the actual underlying problem) along with specific examples; but do not demand a specific solution, as there might be other/better solutions. A user story is an effective way of conveying this.
          "As a new editor, I would like to be acknowledged for my contribution to the project, so that I feel welcomed and valued"
      • Prašome taip pat pateikti kitą informaciją, kuri gali būti naudinga:
        • the web browsers, skins, or computer systems you've seen the bug on;
        • links or diffs to one or more pages where you encountered the bug; or
        • whether the problem appears every time, only occasionally, only on certain pages, or only in specific circumstances.
    • To attach a log file or screenshot (but make sure that no confidential data is included or shown), click the Upload File button (a cloud with an arrow) in the tool bar of the Description field.
    • Pažymėkite produktą(-us), kuriame radote klaidą:
      • Projects are how developers find tasks to work on. To identify the right project(s), use the search function (in the top right) to find its description.
      • This could be for example the MediaWiki-General project for the wiki software itself, or Wikimedia-Site-Requests for configuration changes on a Wikimedia site (see Selecting projects ).
    • Subscribers: If you know specific users who will be interested in getting notified of this task you can add them here. Kitu atveju, nepaisykite šio laukelio.

Pasitikrinkite, jei jūsų pranešimas yra baigtas, paspauskite „Create Task“ mygtuką. Jūsų klaidos pranešimas bus duomenų bazėje ir vėliau kažkas su viltimi įsižvelgs. This allows somebody interested in the report to look at it and potentially work on it .

The priority for the task will be set by developers if they plan to work on the task (see Setting priorities).

Štai ir viskas! Ačiū už jūsų pagalbą, kad pagerinote MediaWiki ir Wikimedia projektus!

JavaScript klaidos pranešimas

See also: Help:Locating broken scripts

A lot of functionality, such as gadgets, user scripts, and some parts of MediaWiki, rely on JavaScript.

When you encounter a bug that may be related to JavaScript, do your best to identify error messages and copy them into the bug report.

It's especially important to provide all the information you have, because even the system administrators will have zero access to any error log.

If the problem is in the code of a user script or gadget itself, then Phabricator might not be the place where the problem will get handled.[1] Someone might redirect you to the talk page of the script (if the problematic script is identified).

Ryšio klaidos pranešimas

If you are having difficulties reaching a Wikimedia website at all (slow internet connection etc.), please follow https://wikitech-static.wikimedia.org/wiki/Reporting_a_connectivity_issue

Pranešti prisijungimo klaidą

If you are having problems logging into your account, please follow Manual:How to debug/Login problems .


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