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Helpo:avizi pri ''login''

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Login notifications and the translation is 98% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Ne desquietigez!

Saluto! Ka vu venis hike pro ke vu recevis avizo pri login-probo en vua uzero-konto? Ne desquietigez! Vua uzero-konto duras esar protektata.

Pro quo me recevis aviz(o/i)?

Vu recevis avizo nam ulu probis (e nesucesis) facar login en vua uzero-konto. If the login attempt was on a device or browser you haven't used before, then you got a notification after the first failed attempt. If it was on a known device or browser, then the notification was set off after five attempts.

L'avizi facesis automatale da LoginNotify, programo adoptita en 2017.

Atencez! Ca programo uzas cookies por "lernar" la moyeni quin vu ja uzis por facar log in. Kande vu efacas cookies od uzas l'opciono "incognito/private browsing" de vua retnavililo la programo "pensas ke" la moyeni uzita esis nova, do emisas la mesajo supra, quale avizo "false pozitiva".

Quon me devas facar?

Se tu facis ica faliita probo pri enirar, vu ne bezonas facar ica agado nun, malgre ke tu mustas sempre havar forta ed unika pasovorto por vua uzero-konto. Se vu kredas ke ol ne esas suficante sekura, vu mustas modifikar vua pasovorto tam rapide kam posibla. According to one study of leaked account passwords, nearly 17% of 10 million internet user accounts have “123456” as their password.[1] Ne esez un ek li!

Se tu ne probis facar log in e tu suspektas ke altru probis violacar tua konto, vu povos chanjar vua pasovorto se tu deziros, mem se tua pasovorto esas forta.

Ultre to, esas bona ideo asociar e-post-adreso a vua uzero-konto, do vu povos rekuperar l'aceso a vua konto se vu perdus ol. Vu povas informar vua e-post-adreso (e-mail) an l'unesma panelo de vua pagino pri preferaji. You might also want to glance through this essay on how to prevent account hijacking, which has some general tips you should keep in mind when using the internet.

Quale ca programo funcionas?

Failed login attempt notification on Echo
Login attempt notification as seen on a different wiki

The extension keeps track of known browsers by placing an HTTP cookie in the browser. La cookie automatale expiras pos 180 dii. If a failed login attempt happens from a new browser, it generates an Echo notification alerting the user about the login attempt. The other way that we identify known devices is by checking the current IP address subnet against the IP addresses that have been used recently (as stored in a temporary server cache). None of the information is stored in a database and at no point is any private information revealed publicly, including the attacker’s IP address/location. The WMF Legal and Security teams have reviewed the implementation for both compliances with our Privacy Policy and security considerations.

For known devices/IPs, we allow up to 5 login attempts before alerting the user about the login attempt, since it's fairly common to mistype or forget a password. Se la falio pri login eventis 5-foye o pluse, l'avizo dicos: "There have been 5 failed attempts to log in to your account since the last time you logged in. If it wasn't you, please make sure your account has a strong password." Existos altra avizo pos 10 foyi, 15 foyi, edc.

For unknown devices/IPs, we alert on every failed attempt. The extension bundles these notifications to avoid spamming users with too many notifications. For example, if there are 3 failed attempts from an unknown device, there will be a single notification, which says: "There have been 3 failed attempts to log in to your account from a new device since the last time you logged in. If it wasn't you, please make sure your account has a strong password.".


There are two ways for users to get these notifications – either by web Echo notifications or by email. By default, the web and email notifications are on for everyone. This is configurable in the notification preferences.

Sucesoza login-i

The extension allows you to get an email when a user logs in successfully to your account from an unfamiliar device and IP. To esas specale utila por administreri ed altra personi, interesata pri protektar ilua yuri, qui povus esar misuzata. This notification is on by default. Note that the web notifications are disabled for this feature. La texto dil e-mesajo dicas: "Someone (probably you) recently logged in to your account from a new device. If this was you, then you can disregard this message. If it wasn't you, then it's recommended that you change your password, and check your account activity.", vu povas nekapabligar ico en vua preferaji.

Havez forta pasovorto

There is a lot of advice available online about making a strong password. Here is some general advice about passwords:

  • "Selektez forta pasovorti – longa de 8 o plusa karakteri, kontenanta literi, algarismi, ed altra signi". (Fonto: Security/Password reset on Meta). Savez pluse pri pasovorti e sekureso.
  • "As a rule of thumb, a password that is reasonably long, with a mixture of upper and lowercase letters and numbers, and not mostly made up of dictionary words or names or personal information (date of birth, cat's name, etc.) is likely to be reasonably strong for everyday use. Passwords that consist of just lowercase letters can also be reasonably strong, but they must be significantly longer". (Fonto: User account security (texto de Angla Wikipedio)).
