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Auxilio:notificationes de authentication

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Login notifications and the translation is 27% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Nulle preoccupation!

Salute! Es tu ci perque tu recipeva un notification re un tentativa verso tu conto?

Perque ha recipite io le aviso(s)?

Tu ha recipite un aviso perque alcuno ha tentate (e falleva) acceder a tu conto. Si le tentativa de accesso ha essite sur un apparato o navigator que tu non ha usate ante, pois tu recipeva un aviso post le primo tentativa fallite. Si il ha essite sur un apparato o navigator note, alora le aviso ha essite configurate post cinque tentativas.

Le notificationes era generate per $LoginNotify, un functionalitate introducite in le 2017.

Please note that this feature relies on cookies to keep track of the devices you have used to log in. Deleting the cookies or using your browser's "incognito/private browsing" feature will cause the device to be regarded as new and, therefore, trigger the above notification as a "false positive" warning.

Que deberea io facer?

If you made this login attempt, no action needs to be taken at this time, though you should always have a strong and unique password for your account. If you don't think this is the case, you should change your password as soon as possible. According to one study of leaked account passwords, nearly 17% of 10 million internet user accounts have “123456” as their password.[1] Don't be one of them!

If you did not make this login attempt, and you suspect that someone else has tried to access your account, you may want to change your password anyway, even if you do have a strong password.

Also, it might be a good idea to associate an email address with your account in the event you lose access to your account and want to get back in. You can set your email on the first panel of your Preferences page. You might also want to glance through this essay on how to prevent account hijacking, which has some general tips you should keep in mind when using the internet.

Como functiona iste functionalitate?

Failed login attempt notification on Echo
Login attempt notification as seen on a different wiki

The extension keeps track of known browsers by placing an HTTP cookie in the browser. This cookie automatically expires in 180 days. If a failed login attempt happens from a new browser, it generates an Echo notification alerting the user about the login attempt. The other way that we identify known devices is by checking the current IP address subnet against the IP addresses that have been used recently (as stored in a temporary server cache). None of the information is stored in a database and at no point is any private information revealed publicly, including the attacker’s IP address/location. The WMF Legal and Security teams have reviewed the implementation for both compliances with our Privacy Policy and security considerations.

For known devices/IPs, we allow up to 5 login attempts before alerting the user about the login attempt, since it's fairly common to mistype or forget a password. If there are 5 or more failed attempts, the notification will say: Ha occurrite 5 tentativas fallite de aperir session in tu conto depost le ultime vice que tu ha aperite session. Si tu non initiava isto, per favor assecura te que tu conto ha un contrasigno forte. There would be another notification at 10 attempts, 15 attempts and so on.

For unknown devices/IPs, we alert on every failed attempt. The extension bundles these notifications to avoid spamming users with too many notifications. For example, if there are 3 failed attempts from an unknown device, there will be a single notification, which says: Ha occurrite 3 tentativas fallite de aperir session in tu conto a partir de un nove apparato depost le ultime vice que tu ha aperite session. Si tu non initiava isto, per favor assecura te que tu conto ha un contrasigno forte..

Cosas a notar

There are two ways for users to get these notifications – either by web Echo notifications or by email. By default, the web and email notifications are on for everyone. This is configurable in the notification preferences.

Authenticationes con bon successo

The extension allows you to get an email when a user logs in successfully to your account from an unfamiliar device and IP. This is especially helpful for admins or other functionaries who are concerned that their rights might be misused. This notification is on by default. Note that the web notifications are disabled for this feature. The email text says: Alcuno (probabilemente tu) ha recentemente aperire session in tu conto a partir de un nove apparato. Si es tu, alora tu pote ignorar iste message. Si non es tu, alora es recommendate cambiar tu contrasigno e verificar le activitate de tu conto. You can disable this in your preferences.

Haber un contrasigno complexe

There is a lot of advice available online about making a strong password. Here is some general advice about passwords:

  • "Select strong passwords – eight or more characters long, and containing letters, digits, and punctuation". (Source: Security/Password reset on Meta). Know more about passwords and security.
  • "As a rule of thumb, a password that is reasonably long, with a mixture of upper and lowercase letters and numbers, and not mostly made up of dictionary words or names or personal information (date of birth, cat's name, etc.) is likely to be reasonably strong for everyday use. Passwords that consist of just lowercase letters can also be reasonably strong, but they must be significantly longer". (Source: User account security on English Wikipedia).
