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This page is a translated version of the page Help:DiscussionTools and the translation is 64% complete.
PD 注意:當您編輯本頁面時,即同意以CC0協議授權您的貢獻。您可以在公有領域帮助页面找到更多信息。 PD

这是维基百科编辑者和其他使用讨论工具 的用户的帮助页面。

Wikimedia AppsDiscussuionTools是随MediaWiki 提供的默认讨论页系统。它是所有Wikimedia wiki的默认讨论系统。它在电脑与手机网页端可用,但在维基媒体应用中则不可用。




  1. 每条签名的消息后面,都会有一条回复链接。 点击链接以回复消息。
  2. 会打开一个框。 你的消息将会出现在框所在的地方。
  3. 在框内输入您的回复。 签名和日期会自动加上。
  4. 准备好发布回复时,点击回复按钮。


  • 你可以在可视化和wikitext源编辑模式之间切换。
  • 在wikitext源代码模式,输入时会显示实时预览。
  • 在源代码和可视化模式中,你可以使用键盘快捷键创建连接,以@你回复的人,并添加字符格式化。
  • 如果别人在您输入评论时于同一章节发布了评论,这个工具会提醒您。 点击显示1条新留言以查看新评论。 如您已经输入了一部分评论,它将尽力保留之。 在较大的页面上,恢复您的评论有时会很慢。
  • 回复功能可在个别页面或章节中禁用,详见Help:DiscussionTools/Magic words and markup


  • 2022,此工具不适用于多行模板或必须放在行首的wikitext代码(例如,wikitext 表格语法)。 如果您的评论包含此语法,您将无法切换到可视化模式。 参见回复工具可视化模式限制
  • 本工具仅在以下地方显示:
    • 讨论命名空间的页面。
    • 已配置为显示“添加签名”工具的命名空间中的页面($wgExtraSignatureNamespaces)。 对于大多数维基媒体的wiki,是projecthelp命名空间。
    • 使用__NEWSECTIONLINK__手动给页面添加添加话题按钮。
  • 如检测到同一行上有用户账户的链接和时间戳,回复工具就会可见。 有些自定义签名不会被检测到。 参见为什么我无法回复此留言?


“新的讨论”工具能在页面上发起新话题。 功能和限制与回复工具的功能和限制非常相似。 允许复杂的格式化,例如表格。


  1. 在页面顶部,点击“添加话题”标签。
  2. 页面结尾会出现一个框。 你的消息将会出现在框所在的地方。
  3. 在框内输入话题标题,即“主题”。 必须要有需要话题标题。
  4. 在大的框内输入您的消息。 签名和日期会自动加上。
  5. 准备好发布消息时,点击添加话题按钮。

Preloading message content

Since March 2023, the new topic tool includes support for preloading the talk page message, similar to native MediaWiki preloading . Support of this feature was introduced as part of T269310.

To enable the preloading, it is necessary to provide the dtpreload=1 parameter (or usedt=1 in InputBox ). If the enabling parameter is provided, the following preloading URL parameters are recognized:

  • preloadtitle - if provided, the value is used as the talk page message's subject
  • preload - if provided, the page specified in the value is used to preload the talk page message content
  • preloadparams[] - if provided, the value is used to replace parameters in the preloading template; each parameter is specified as $1, $2, $3. This parameter can be provided multiple times.
  • editintro - if provided, a templated message to display at the top of the new topic tool.





你可以在参数设置 → 讨论页中启用自动话题订阅。 只有通过回复或者新讨论工具做出的编辑才会使你自动订阅。

订阅该章节后,将会有一个取消订阅链接。 点击后可停止接收有关该章节中的新留言的通知。

你可以在Special:TopicSubscriptions查看订阅列表。 You can unsubscribe from topics on that page, too.


  • 通知基于第一条评论及其时间戳。更改章节标题不会影响订阅。
  • 你只能订阅==二级章节==。
  • 无论发表留言时的编辑界面如何,您都会收到有关新留言的通知。
  • 即使将对话移动到其他页面或部分标题更改,订阅也将保持不变。
  • 你可以在Extension:DiscussionTools/How it works#Notifications阅读技术信息。
  • Subscribing to a thread that was initiated by a Massmessage distribution will subscribe you to all threads created at the same time.[1]

Page subscriptions

Location of page subscription link in Skin:Vector 2022 , when the "工具" menu is pinned.

You can subscribe to a whole talk page and be notified of new topics.

This "订阅" link is present in the "工具" menu. Depending on your configuration, this menu can be either collapsed under the "工具" menu or visible.

When you click on it, the 订阅 link becomes an 取消订阅 link.

This is different from watching the page. Watching the page will highlight all edits made on the talk page: new topics, comments, edits... If you subscribe to the talk page, you will only be notified about new discussion topics.


Screenshot with arrows pointing to new and changed information
The changes to the top of each discussion topic

讨论页面将显示有关每个章节的附加信息。 讨论页面看起来会与條目页面不同,以帮助新手将其识别为与其他用户交讨论的地方。

This feature adds new information about:

  • the number of users and the number of comments in each topic and how old the most recent comment is – at the top of each ==section heading==
  • the most recent comment on the page – at the top of the page
  • the number of comments in each thread – in the Table of Contents (Vector 2022 skin only)

This feature also changes the appearance of the talk pages, particularly for ==Level 2== section headings.

你可以在Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion中关闭此功能。 尋找「显示讨论活动」。


Starting January 29, 2024, each comment receives a permalink.[2] This link keeps track of the comment, even if moved elsewhere.

The link to a comment is available from its timestamp, in the signature. Clicking (or tapping on mobile) on the link copies the permalink to your clipboard.

If a comment has been moved from the linked-to page, a message is shown to the user, with a link to the new location.

The comment accessed using this link will be highlighted by a colored background.


The URL fragment is now a unique identifier, stored in a database. The page the comment is currently on doesn’t matter anymore. It applies to either new topics or any responses.

Each new comment is identified using the author of the new message and its timestamp, and also the user and timestamp of the comment being replied to. The most common format is: #c-<username1>-<timestamp1>-<username2>-<timestamp2>

新話題由作者、時間戳記和新話題標題標識:#c-<username>-<timestamp>-<topic title>

In addition, most recent existing section links to topics in the format #<topic title> will also trigger this message if the topic was moved and can be found elsewhere.[3]


Each comment with a proper signature is taken into account. A proper signature is a signature with a link to a user page, or user talk page, or user contributions, and a timestamp formatted according to the wiki's language. Custom timestamps might not be detected.

All comments matching the signature requirements are taken into account for a permalink, no matter their age; this change is retroactive on older comments.

Changing the username in the signature, or the timestamp of an already posted message, will corrupt the permalink.

If a comment is deleted, it can be traced back. The last old revision where the comment appeared will be shown. This is available on Special:FindComment.

Talk pages permalinks won't work in any page that transcludes sections under <h1> headings.


screenshot of discussion on a user's talk page

上述所有功能也可在移动网站上找到。 Their design is adapted to fit in with the design of the mobile skin and the mobile editor.

回复工具的留言框显示您的留言的垂直放置。 目前不支持水平放置(“缩进”),以在狭窄的移动屏幕上进行编辑时提供更多空间。


  1. 工單T334906
  2. This change doesn't affect English Wikipedia at that date.
  3. Older topics links, before August 2023, are not all indexed. This only applies to the topic links, comment permalinks will work for any comment.