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Admin tools development/SUL Audit/Metrics 20150409

From mediawiki.org

Statistics generated on or around 2015-04-09.

Caveats from 20140704 still apply.

Group Total Accounts touched in last ... Group name
1mo 2mo 3mo 4mo 5mo 6mo 9mo 12mo 18mo 24mo 30mo 36mo 1-36mo
Local accounts total 100,204,057 918,511 735,514 703,792 613,758 654,131 648,844 2,080,114 1,285,356 2,476,223 45,804,447 14,333,726 2,455,205 72,709,621
attached accounts 97,361,268 907,598 731,173 694,599 605,418 645,246 637,654 2,042,780 1,259,568 2,424,442 43,141,696 14,326,571 2,455,105 69,871,850
non-attached accounts 2,842,789 10,913 4,341 9,193 8,340 8,885 11,190 37,334 25,788 51,781 2,662,751 7,155 100 2,837,771
... with e-mail 2,236,827 10,283 3,466 6,285 5,720 6,004 7,403 24,579 19,317 38,777 2,105,992 5,298 74 2,233,198
... who do not clash with another account - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
... who clash with a global account 2,815,110 10,822 4,303 9,151 8,298 8,851 11,144 37,154 25,682 51,549 2,643,609 2,273 81 2,812,917
... global clash but appear to be merge-able 76,444 124 101 156 153 102 75 466 412 817 73,804 191 0 76,401
... who clash with 1 or more local accounts - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
... local clash but appear to be merge-able - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Global accounts total 38,528,250 - - - - - - - - - - - -
... who clash with 1 or more local accounts 1,262,680 - - - - - - - - - - - -
... who do not clash with local accounts 37,265,570 - - - - - - - - - - - -