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Admin tools development/SUL Audit/Metrics 20140704

From mediawiki.org

Statistics were generated on or around 2014-07-05.

Group Total Accounts touched in last ...[1] Group name
1mo 2mo 3mo 4mo 5mo 6mo 9mo 12mo 18mo 24mo 30mo 36mo 1-36mo[2]
Local accounts total 79,917,564 635,713 543,172 503,121 465,684 460,523 460,491 1,283,521 1,288,552 40,283,952 3,377,784 2,306,844 2,460,446 54,069,803
attached accounts 75,674,696 596,589 516,876 479,129 445,576 440,998 441,415 1,232,409 1,240,205 39,078,151 3,261,495 2,190,123 2,326,306 52,249,272
non-attached accounts 4,242,868 39,124 26,296 23,992 20,108 19,525 19,076 51,112 48,347 1,205,801 116,289 116,721 134,140 1,820,531
... with e-mail[3] 3,350,676 31,259 21,187 19,347 16,193 15,652 15,228 40,345 38,480 849,185 98,781 101,556 116,965 1,364,178
... who do not clash with another account 10,683 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
... who clash with a global account[4] 125,745 500 295 258 213 209 169 477 512 57,707 4,087 1,825 2,476 68,728
... global clash but appear to be merge-able[5] 3,367 48 27 34 19 17 16 25 40 1,265 6 36 86 1,619
... who clash with 1 or more local accounts - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
... local clash but appear to be merge-able - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Global accounts total 32,237,432 - - - - - - - - - - - -
... who clash with 1 or more local accounts[4] 50,634 - - - - - - - - - - - -
... who do not clash with local accounts[6] 32,186,798 - - - - - - - - - - - -
  1. This is an imperfect number for accounts that haven't been logged into for over a year.
  2. Cumulative count of touched anytime from now to 36 months ago
  3. This check does not require a confirmed email, just one that was set.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Due to bugzilla:61876 and related bugs, this number may be higher than it should be.
  5. Checked if the local (possibly unconfirmed) email matches the confirmed address for the global account
  6. This was calculated by subtracting the number of clashing accounts with total global accounts.