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Wikivoyage migration/Database

From mediawiki.org

Database Migration Steps


Draft Migration Outline

  • WMF sets up cluster for wikivoyage site
    • LB/ip's (done?)
    • Extension configs for wikivoyage (done) - gerrit ?
    • Apache Config pushed
    • apaches restarted
    • addWiki.php run
  • Wikivoyage setups up alternate name for access to old sites
  • Wikivoyage Export, rename
    • Site put into Read-Only
    • Fixup Wikitravel prefixes
    • Prefix all Wikivoyage editors with "(WV-xx) "
    • Un-prefix users who have opted-in to data transfer
    • Add user data for opted-in user (?)
  • Transfer db dumps to WMF via secure channel
  • WMF runs pg->mysql conversion, version upgrades for de/it
  • WMF runs 1.20->1.21 upgrade on mysql exports
  • WMF runs extension updates for all databases
    • AbuseFilter, AntiSpoot, UserDailyContribs, (others)
  • WMF imports mysql databased to production cluster master
  • DNS Pointed to WMF Cluster

en (1.19.1) -> 1.21



  • WV Mysql dump export
    • Remove data that cannot be shared
    • Rename/Prefix usernames that have not opted-in
    • Create users for WT- prefix, fix up references


  • Run 1.20, 1.21 schema changes (includes/installer/MysqlUpdater.php, L211ff)
    • patch-config.sql is not needed
    • patch-ipb-parent-block-id.sql
    • patch-ipb-parent-block-id-index.sql
    • patch-cat_hidden.sql
    • patch-revision-user-page-index.sql (Can we add this to the mysql dump so it's written on import?)
    • Wikidata schema updates will not be imported
    • patch-drop-ss_admins.sql
    • patch-rc_moved.sql
    • patch-sites.sql is not needed
    • patch-fa_sha1.sql
    • patch-job_token.sql
  • Run AbuseFilter Schema
    • abusefilter.tables.sql
  • AntiSpoof Schema
    • patch-antispoof.mysql.sql
  • UserDailyContribs
    • UserDailyContribs.sql

Current Errors

On search

database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: (SQL query hidden) from within function "TitleKey::exactMatch". Database returned error "1146: Table 'enwikivoyage.titlekey' doesn't exist (".

Saving http://en.wikivoyage.beta.wmflabs.org/w/index.php?title=Wikivoyage:Map_Sources&action=submit

A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: (SQL query hidden) from within function "oaiUpdatePage". Database returned error "1146: Table 'enwikivoyage.updates' doesn't exist (".