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Wikimedia Search Team/Meeting minutes/2015-05-26

From mediawiki.org




  • James
    • Worked on API docs
    • Wrote a simple WDQS graph explorer. Not deployed yet. Stas will help James with that.
    • Will continue with API docs. Goal is to make it as quick and painless as possible for new devs
  • Stas
    • Getting a few results from beta query service. Some bug reports. Some performance concerns.
    • Will work on bugs and performance issues, and will streamline its deployment process
  • Nik
    • Worked on query_string replacement. Wants to integrate with Cirrus and use on real log data.
    • Should break into more granular tasks
  • Oliver
    • Priority has been bug fixes.
    • Dashboard is showing live data, which revealed several problems.
    • Still some brittleness when tables are scrubbed. Should be fixed at some point.
    • Clearing out legal stuff, some of which probably should have been handled by reading.
      • 40-point task is almost done, which will allow full-time work on S&D
    • Reviewing tech tasks from job candidates (45 plausible in the pipeline)
      • Blocked on some steps due to budget, but moving good candidates along where possible
    • Still slowed by analytics hardware limitations
      • There is twice as much non-production work as CPU capacity for it
      • Since new hardware is 3+ months away, Tomasz will get involved in trying to find a solution
      • KS to set up further meetings
  • Max
    • Mostly preparing to demo maps during hackathon
      • Heard from Yuri that it went well, with lots of interest (including Lila)
    • Looking to revise hardware request to bare minimum to try to fit budget
    • Maps are “not dead yet”, so will keep working on them.
  • Tomasz
    • Catching up on inbox; connecting w/Wes to understand budget.

Workboard Walkthrough



  • Not necessary yet; will probably become part of the agenda later

Scrum of Scrums


Info/To Discuss

  • From last week
    • Should James learn more about metrics/measurement?
      • "No"
      • There are three different aspects to this problem:
        • Figuring out what we should measure to evaluate our success. -> Erik
        • Implementing event logging to measure those things. -> Engineering
        • Creating dashboards and visualisations of that data. -> Oliver
    • Who can help Stas with Java stuff?
      • We don’t have an answer for this - that is really something we need to work on
      • Wes should have answers within a week or so
  • Proposal to keep feature-specific phabricator projects around
    • No objections, so will proceed
  • Oliver proposes that all logging should go to the analytics cluster
    • Examples: Elastic, WDQS.
    • Need to spread the knowledge of how to do it (Oliver will coach Stas)


  • Wikimania (July 15-19)
    • (need to insert relevant team page here)
  • Some folks will attend the Open Air conf next Thursday (SF)