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Wikimedia Search Team/Meeting minutes/2015-05-04

From mediawiki.org




  • Erik:
    • Mostly finished testing. Now elastic search tests only take 5-6 minutes
    • Still working on intermittent failures
    • Initially non-voting, but hopefully eventually voting (to automatically reject patches)
    • Not sure what comes after that--will talk to Nik
  • Max
    • Worked w/Yuri, got tile server to work; it displays maps
    • This week: Get server/datasource to “mostly work”
    • Then work on proof of concept using maps (probably initially a user script on wp)
  • Stas
    • Mostly working on bugs/stability on WD export, and import into core engine
    • New ontology patches finally landing on test, so updating importer to be compatible
      • New ontology will land this Wednesday (or next Wednesday)
  • Yuri
    • Worked w/Max to get tile server working. Will demo something soon.
    • Now working on javascript service and extra features to make something user-visible
  • Dan
    • Diving into data. 4% of page views to all of our sites go to wp.org.
    • Search metrics: bug fixed, but otherwise no progress
  • Tomasz
    • This is the first week fully available to this team
    • Working on hiring, metrics
    • Hoping to present early data findings within about 3 weeks
  • Guiseppe
    • Waiting for Nik on puppetization
  • Moiz
    • Working on hiring
    • Needs to deep dive on Oliver’s data, looking at what we should do on front page
    • Will create resource guide for team (style gudes, etc)
    • Meeting w/Dan and Wes about possible early user-facing work
  • Wes
    • Reminder: Annual reviews
    • Added slide to deck regarding privacy stats
    • Nik worked on budget stuff for hardware
  • Kevin
    • Meetings regarding process
    • Scheduled retrospective

Workboard Walkthrough



  • Not necessary yet; will probably become part of the agenda later

Scrum of Scrums


Info/To Discuss
