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Wikimedia Search Team/Meeting minutes/2015-04-30

From mediawiki.org






  • Wrote code for plugins to eliminate the need for dynamic scripting
  • Now working on integrating cirrus
  • Expect beta release probably tomorrow
  • Scheduled elastic rolling restart next Tuesday


  • Have been writing tests. No blockers.
  • Fighting with how matchers work in test framework
  • Working toward testing namespaces and journal bug


  • Switching browser tests to go through the API (much faster)
  • 400 tests through API
  • Should mostly finish today, except “Go” feature, which will require changing API


  • Worked on blazegraph, mimicking production conditions to see data corruption bug
  • Fix at least allows db to proceed without breaking (ignore corruption)
  • Now will identify and fix the real bug


  • Yuri is In Moscow, working closely with Max
  • Max: Data abstraction
  • Yuri: Working on 2 parts: data -> tiles, tiles -> images
  • Engaging local Russian community to explore collaboration or developer contributions
  • Head of ru wikimedia is in the coffee shop with them during the checkin



  • Team page will be created (updated) in wiki shortly, with some roles & responsibilities

Workboard Walkthrough



Scrum of Scrums

  • Are we blocked?
    • No
  • Are we blocking?
    • No

Info/To Discuss

  • How soon to schedule first retrospective? Length?
    • Kevin to schedule 1 hour “next week” (schedules permitting)
  • Initial WDQS release (0.0.1)?
    • Waiting for changes to get merged. Probably deployed next week.
    • Monday after next, data dumps with new ontology will be available.
    • Have to update munge scripts and other minor changes, fix examples
    • Tentative target: Mid-May
  • Have not resolved how to handle redirects, but won’t block 0.0.1
  • Search metrics results?
  • Need place in phab workboard to stash stories that are no longer relevant
    • Will discuss in separate process meetings
  • FYI: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2015/Search_and_discovery