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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20201209

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • 24 Dec until Jan 6, inclusive: Lars out
  • 21-23 Dec Jeena, Dan
  • 24 Dec-01 Jan (Holidays + New years): US staff with reqs


Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/query/s3KW8bpsXhYF/#R

  • 16 Nov - wmf.18 - Ahmon + Antoine
  • 23 Nov - wmf.19 - No Train - Thanksgiving Thurs/Fri https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T263185
  • 30 Nov - wmf.20 - Antoine + Mukunda
  • 7 Dec - wmf.21 - Mukunda + Dan
  • 14 Dec - wmf.22 - Dan + Jeena
  • 21 Dec - wmf.23 - No Train
  • 28 Dec - wmf.24 - No Train
  • 4 Jan - wmf.25 - Jeena + Lars
    • NB: Lars is only back from holiday on Thursday Jan 7

Deploys through the end of the year from product: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aOkLHM8nDtLTXtroNkXT4mV0Fy5cedrJ70Lfeu4WM4I/edit#gid=0




  • 2019-08-14 onwards: Zeljko 🎸 🎷 \o/
  • 2020-08-26 onwards: Deb is in charge/SoS is async
  • 2020-11-25: Brennen
  • 2020-12-02: Ahmon
  • 2020-12-09: Tyler
  • 2020-12-16: Antoine





1.36.0-wmf.22 is the last train of the year!

Team Business


Incoming/Needs attention


Q3 Planning: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xxPYTb6mGjC0z3kEuFFWxV9YcOipvs4wSMkk3wPEl7s/edit#

Book club/Lunch and Learn


2020-12-07: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Engineering_Productivity_Team/Read_papers_and_talk/2020-12-07

Monthly reflection on accomplishments - Dec '20 edition

Add as you have them!
  • Scap 3.16.0 released and deployed
  • Dropped scap plugins from mw-config
  • unconditional restart on deploy for opcache corruption deployed



Our Workboards


TODO Triage!




Last week

  • Blocked by:
    • None
  • Blocking:
    • None (AFAIK)
  • Updates:
    • Worked on l10n handling for MW containers in Kubernetes
    • Running rebuildLocalisationCache.php in mediawiki-dev (helm chart) results in 4MB of debug log spam that shows in up kubectl logs. Learning about MW logging to find a way to disable or redirect debug log messages.
    • Best thing
      • Beautiful weather
    • Worst thing
      • N/A

What's on your workboard =




Last week

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Best thing
      • Quibble with Apache is progressing (using supervisord)
      • doc.wikimedia.org docroot migration schedule tomorrow completing the switch to use scap \o/
    • Worst thing

What's on your workboard




Last week

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Best thing
      • Generally making headway on mediawiki-docker things.
    • Worst thing
      • Local politics.

What's on your workboard




Last week


What's on your workboard



  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Thinking about how to securely do npm publish in the pipeline
    • Thinking about mw-on-k8s
    • Working on mw-cli
    • MW-docker images
    • Helping w/deployment charts
    • need to review the buildkit stuff again
    • Best thing
    • Worst thing

Last week

  • Best thing
  • Worst thing

What's on your workboard




Last week

  • Blocked by:
    • nada
  • Blocking:
    • zilch?
  • Updates:
    • Scap 3.16.0 deployed to production
    • Best thing
      • Only a couple more weeks to solstice and vacation
    • Worst thing
    • scap apply-patches doesn't handle errors well
      • Still two more weeks to solstice and vacation
    • Sunrise to sunset 6 hours 2 minutes today, but it was cloudy and rainy all day

What's on your workboard




Last week

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • TRAIN!
    • Best thing
    • Worst thing

What's on your workboard




Last week

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
    • Lars: formatting scap patch
  • Updates:
    • Best thing
    • Worst thing

What's on your workboard
