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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20190925

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • September 23-26 - Thcipriani/Greg-g Tech Mgmt f2f Portland
  • September 23–27 - James holiday
  • September 23–October 4 - JR Vacation
  • September 27 - Mukunda
  • October 8 - Željko holiday (Independence Day)
  • October 11 - Željko conference (https://2019.webcampzg.org/ )
  • October 14 (Indigenous Peoples' Day) - US Staff
  • November 11 (Veterans' Day) - US Staff
  • November 12–15 - TechConf19
  • November 16–20 - Offsite
  • November 28–29 (Thanksgiving) - US Staff
  • December 6 - Lars, Finnish Independence Day
  • December 25–31 (Christmas) - US Staff
  • December 25–26 - Lars, Christmas
  • 1 January (New Year's Day) - US Staff, Lars
  • 20 January (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) - US Staff

Rotating positions



Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/query/s3KW8bpsXhYF/#R
  • June 24 - wmf.11 - Jeena (with Mukunda)
  • July 1 - wmf.12 - No train (Fourth of July)
  • July 8 - wmf.13 - Jeena
  • July 15 - wmf.14 - Lars (with Antoine)
  • July 22 - wmf.15 - Lars
  • July 29 - wmf.16 - Brennen (with Tyler)
  • Aug 5 - wmf.17 - Brennen
  • Aug 12 - wmf.18 - No Train (Wikimania)
  • Aug 19 - wmf.19 - Zeljko 😱
  • Aug 26 - wmf.20 - Zeljko 😭
  • Sep 2 - wmf.21 - Antoine
  • Sep 9 - wmf.22 - Antoine
  • Sep 16 - wmf.23 - Mukunda
  • Sep 23 - wmf.24 - Mukunda
  • Sep 30 - wmf.25 - Tyler Dan
  • 7 Oct - wmf.26 - Tyler Dan
  • 17 Oct - 1.35.0-wmf.1 - TBD
  • 21 Oct - wmf.2 - TBD
  • 28 Oct - wmf.3 - TBD
  • 4 Nov - wmf.4 - TBD


  • Aug 14 onward: Zeljko

Team Business


Timespent spreadsheet

For the avoidance of doubt: fill out the sheet week number for the previous week

November Offsite/Summit


Book club


Monthly reflection on accomplishments - September '19 edition

Add as you have them!

Incoming/Needs attention


Scrum of Scrums for next week


Internal team notes, not for pasting into the SoS notes


Incoming from last week


Outgoing this week



  • Release Engineering: REMINDER: We're at 1.34.0-wmf.24 this week. The last branch for this release will be wmf.25 on 30 September. Teams who want to ship things for MW 1.34 should land them now. (If you do not mark code as deprecated in the next few days, you have to maintain it for another nine months.)

Train status and happenings





  • What I planned vs did last week
  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other


  • What I planned vs did last week
    • N Not done Benchmark mediawiki + apache image
    • In progress In progress Finish getting mediawiki + apache image in place
    • Yes Done Present on Zuul v3 for final CI WG ranking meeting
    • Yes Done Some dev environment research
  • What I plan to do this week
    • MediaWiki + Apache dev image from pipeline, restbase image
    • Send Lars my PGP key, after I figure out what's wrong with my PGP key
    • Read Lars's latest CI document
    • Final(?) CI WG meeting on Friday
    • Investigate whether https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T229280 is really still happening
      • Couldn't find it yesterday, but I'm bad at Kibana.
    • Focus on dev environment questions
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?




  • What I planned vs did last week
  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I planned vs did last week
  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other


  • What I planned vs did last week
  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other


  • What I planned vs did last week
    • Yes Done timespent
    • Yes Done send lars pgp key
    • Yes Done review deployment charts patch from alexandros
    • Yes Done local dev meeting
    • N Not done make changes to labs instance
    • Yes Done transfer files to repaired laptop
    • Yes Done arrange travel for offsite
    • Update README patchset for local-charts https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/releng/local-charts/+/538365
    • Review patchsets for new mediawiki-dev image
    • Read Lars' CI document
    • Read Zuul CI document
    • Create brainstorming documents for local dev
  • What I plan to do this week
    • Update parsoid blubberfile to new version
    • local-charts meeting
    • Get parsoid image built in CI. Same for restbase?
    • Fix some issues with mediawiki chart
    • Fix some issues with parsoid chart
    • bring up issue with deployment-charts about templates with same name
    • Add ideas to local dev brainstorm
    • local dev meeting
    • docker sig meeting?
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other


  • What I planned vs did last week
    • Yes Done Individual goals office hours
    • Yes Done Get v3 of CI architecture document done
  • What I plan to do this week
    • Get feedback on v3 of CI arch doc. Process it.
    • Read up on Zuul dependent pipelines.
    • With CI WG, decide on CI engine for future CI. Make plan on what next.
    • Update engprod list on PGP keysigning at offsite.
    • Read the book club article. Let subconsicous start work on it.
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other


  • What I planned vs did last week
  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other


  • What I planned vs did last week
    • Yes Done OKRs (manager guidebook) (got access to it)
    • In progress In progress Meetings/Slideshows
    • Yes Done PGP key -> lars
    • Yes Done (stretch) look at branch.py
  • What I plan to do this week
    • Cram some OKRs into the MTP-Y1 doc
    • Tech Manager offsite
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other


  • What I planned vs did last week
    • In progress In progress T232598 Update existing Selenium documentation - at 40%
    • not planned - T232796 [betalabs] memcached listens solely on (was: Cannot create a new user account) - fixed by Antoine (but not resolved)
      • not planned Yes Done T233489 CentralAuth and local account creation are not working on beta cluster wikis - fixed by Antoine
      • Yes Done T232357 selenium-daily-beta-REPOSITORY Jenkins jobs broken since 2019-09-08 - fixed by Antoine
      • Yes Done T233193 MF Selenium tests failing with "Promise timeout" - fixed by Antoine
      • Yes Done T232708 Need RelEng help: selenium-daily-beta-Minerva and MobileFrontend has failed for 6 days - fixed by Antoine
    • Yes Done email PGP keys to Lars
    • not planned Yes Done T227176 Make Scrum of Scrums meeting notes easier to read
  • What I plan to do this week
    • T232598 Update existing Selenium documentation
    • T232638 Add accessibility check for Homepage (GrowthExperiments)
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other
    • Google Calendar says I got Gmail on 2004-09-23, 15 years ago