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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20181001

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • Beginning October - Mid october, Antoine to take off some weeks/days/part time (October 1-14 according to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/E40)
  • October 5th (Friday) - Željko on a conference (https://2018.webcampzg.org/ )
  • October 8th - Holiday (Indigenous People's Day, Independence Day - Željko)
  • October 8th - New hire start date
  • November 1 (Thursday) - Holiday (All Saints' Day - Željko)
  • November 9th - Holiday (Veteran's Day)
  • November 22+23 - Holidays (Thanksgiving)
  • November 25-december 2nd: Mukunda vacation (in California ahead of the offsite)
  • Week of December 3rd - Team offsite
  • December 24-28 - Holidays (Christmas)

Rotating positions



Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?project=PHID-PROJ-fmcvjrkfvvzz3gxavs3a&statuses=open%28%29&group=none&order=newest#R
  • July 02 - wmf.11 - Zeljko - no train, Fourth of July
  • July 09 - wmf.12 - Zeljko
  • July 16 - wmf.13 - Zeljko
  • July 23 - wmf.14 - Zeljko
  • July 30 - wmf.15 - Mukunda
  • Aug 06 - wmf.16 - Mukunda
  • Aug 13 - wmf.17 - Mukunda (No train - Wednesday is a holiday)
  • Aug 20 - wmf.18 - Tyler
  • Aug 27 - wmf.19 - Dan && Antoine lurking over the shoulders
  • Sep 03 - wmf.20 - Antoine
  • Sep 10 - wmf.21 - Antoine (No train due to DC switchover)
  • Sep 17 - wmf.22 - Antoine
  • Sep 24 - wmf.23 - Zeljko
  • Oct 01 - wmf.24 - Dan <----
  • Oct 08 - wmf.25 - Dan (No train due to DC switchover)
  • Oct 15 - wmf.26 - Mukunda (last 1.32 wmf.XX release, 1.33 starts the next week)
  • Oct 22 - wmf.1 - Mukunda


  • July 04 - Dan
  • July 11 - Antoine
  • July 18 - Antoine
  • July 25 - Tyler
  • Aug 01 - Tyler
  • Aug 08 - Zeljko
  • Aug 15 - Dan (No SoS this week)
  • Aug 22 - Zeljko
  • Aug 29 - Zeljko
  • Sep 05 - Tyler / Željko
  • Sep 12 - Tyler / Željko
  • Sep 19 - Dan / Željko
  • Sep 26 - Zeljko
  • Oct 03 - Zeljko <----
  • Oct 10 - Zeljko
  • Oct 17 - Zeljko
  • Oct 24 - Zeljko
  • Oct 31 - Zeljko

Team Business




First Offsite



  • Week of December 3rd
  • At the Queen Mary hotel in Long Beach
  • Deb T will be facilitating


jenkins security release 2018-10-10


Needs attention


Scrum of Scrums

Greg to copy to etherpad after meeting: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Scrum-of-Scrums

Release Engineering



  • Release Engineering
    • Next week: No train next week, DC switchover

Train status and happenings


See above

Quarterly Goals for Q1 - last review!


TEC3: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Technology/Annual_Plans/FY2019/TEC3:_Deployment_Pipeline/Goals TEC12: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Technology/Annual_Plans/FY2019/TEC12:_Developer_Productivity/Goals TEC13: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Technology/Annual_Plans/FY2019/TEC13:_Code_Health/Goals

  • Outcome 2 / Output 2.2: changes/incidents/coverage table created, I need help with picking 15 repos: T199133 Find top 15 target projects that could use Selenium tests to prevent incidents

Quaterly Goals for Q2


TEC1 (Maint): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Determine the procedure and requirements for an automated MediaWiki branch cut.
WHO: Mukunda, Tyler, Antoine

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 1 / Output 1.2

GOAL: Formalize the collection of CI infrastructure and tooling metrics
WHO: Dan, Antoine
  • Enabled Prometheus plugin on releases-jenkins.wikimedia.org
    • Seems decent. Provides both global, job, project scoped build stats. Might be a lot more than we need in some areas, lacking in others, but it's a start
    • Will look into installing/enabling on integration.wikimedia.org/ci

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 2 / Output 2.3

GOAL: Develop set of metrics to assess incident reports/post mortems.
WHO: Greg, Zeljko

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 3 / Output 3.1

Adopt more services into Deployment pipeline
Migrate graphoid to the Deployment pipeline
Deploy zotero v2 to the Deployment pipeline
Deploy blubberoid
WHO: Dan, Tyler, Lars
  • will add zotero .pipeline/CI this week

TEC12 (DevProd): Outcome 2 / Output 2.1

GOAL: The Annual Developer Productivity Survey results are synthesized and shared, creating a first year baseline.
WHO: Mukunda, Greg

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Update/refresh review queue (review process for initial code deployment)

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 2 / Output 2.2

GOAL: 5 of the 15 prioritized repositories have at least 1 end-to-end test.
WHO: Zeljko
  • working on that spreadsheet
  • T199133 Find top 15 target projects that could use Selenium tests to prevent incidents
    • Greg to review list today

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 2 / Output 2.3

GOAL: Assess Platform unit test practices and define improvement plan
WHO: JR, Core Platform Team

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 3 / Output 3.2

GOAL: Core Platform and Search Platform teams are using TDM PoC
WHO: JR, Core Platform Team

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 3 / Output 3.4

Identify key Tech Debt areas
Put in place Tech Debt management process for PEP
WHO: JR, Core Platform Team

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 4 / Output 4.1

GOAL: Metrics defined and deployed for all 4 Code Health areas.
WHO: JR, Code Health Metrics Working Group

Other work



  • no updates











@mmodell to make new release




  • Other?
    • Quibble @master has some parallelization for npm test + composer test. Would need some manual tests, then cut a new tag, rebuild containers, update jobs.
    • l10n-bot in a standalone pipeline sounds good for now. Kudos Dan/Tyler
    • Quibble + mediawiki selenium, we already run 'npm install' for npm test but the extension/skins dir is cleaned up upon completion. Quibble should save node_modules and restore it.
    • Tip: I have coded Quibble with local development use in mind. On CI surely we should not run "npm test" for all combinations of jobs that run. Probably, the jobs should pass --skin=npm-test which

should be in a standalone job.

  • tldr: we can make Quibble execution faster

Below is a personal update as of Sunday evening

  • What I plan to do this week
    • Get contracts for gas, electricity, water. Update fiscal situation of the house (it is larger than they think it is, hence more taxes are due)
    • .plan for kitchen, remove all cabinets, remove hardwood floor, wash.. .plan for dinning table
      • Buy a half a metric ton (literally) of furnitures and materials. Order door and shutters
    • Fix a few electricity plugs
    • Hardwood floors: wash, sand
    • Stretch goal before week-end: wash all floors, start sanding
    • Buy beers
  • What I'm blocked on
    • Dining area has a column right in the middle grrr
    • What kind of material for the floors in the kitchen and the main entry


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Help deploy l10n-bot pipeline/checks
    • Train
    • Install/enable Prometheus plugin on integration.wikimedia.org/ci
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • WM Tech Conf session finalization
    • Security releases stuff
    • translate stuff
    • Make sure hiring is in a good place before Traci goes on vacation next week
  • What I'm blocked on
    • recruiting I guess
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Work on prototype for new swat workflow
    • Prep for phab1002 migration
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?




  • What I plan to do this week
    • T198389 Q1 Selenium framework improvements - review what's left to do, like:
      • T199113 All repositories with Selenium tests should use wdio-mediawiki - 2-3 repos left, will finish
    • Paperwork :/ (first week of the month)
  • What I'm blocked on
    • T199133 Find top 15 target projects that could use Selenium tests to prevent incidents - I need help with picking 15 repos
  • Other?
    • At a conference on Friday
    • Local holiday on Monday



Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Once / month-ish review of backlog(s)


Kanban stats

Burnup chart