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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20180806

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • August 8-10th: thcipriani
  • August 13-24: Greg vacation
  • August 14: thcipriani birthday, buy him something nice
  • August 15 (Wednesday): WMF Monthly Holiday
  • August 15 (Wednesday): Željko holiday (Assumption of Mary)
  • August 16-17 (Thursday & Friday): Mukunda likes 5 day weekends
  • August 23-24 (Thursday-Friday): Željko vacation
  • August ~: Antoine
  • August 29-31: Dan vacation
  • September a week or so - Antoine

Rotating positions



Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?project=PHID-PROJ-fmcvjrkfvvzz3gxavs3a&statuses=open%28%29&group=none&order=newest#R
  • July 02 - wmf.11 - Zeljko - no train, Fourth of July
  • July 09 - wmf.12 - Zeljko
  • July 16 - wmf.13 - Zeljko
  • July 23 - wmf.14 - Zeljko
  • July 30 - wmf.15 - Mukunda
  • Aug 06 - wmf.16 - Mukunda <----
  • Aug 13 - wmf.17 - Mukunda (No train - Wednesday is a holiday)
  • Aug 20 - wmf.18 - Tyler
  • Aug 27 - wmf.19 - Tyler
  • Sep 03 - wmf.20 - Dan
  • Sep 10 - wmf.21 - Dan
  • Sep 17 - wmf.22 - Zeljko
  • Sep 24 - wmf.23 - Zeljko
  • Oct 01 - wmf.24 - Antoine
  • Oct 08 - wmf.25 - Antoine
  • Oct 15 - wmf.26 - Mukunda (last 1.32 wmf.XX release, 1.33 starts the next week)
  • Oct 22 - wmf.1 - Mukunda


  • July 04 - Dan
  • July 11 - Antoine
  • July 18 - Antoine
  • July 25 - Tyler
  • Aug 01 - Tyler
  • Aug 08 - Zeljko <----
  • Aug 15 - Dan (probably not SoS because it's a WMF holiday?)
  • Aug 22 - Mukunda
  • Aug 29 - Mukunda
  • Sep 05 - Tyler
  • Sep 12 - Tyler
  • Sep 19 - Dan
  • Sep 26 - Dan
  • Oct 03 - Zeljko
  • Oct 10 - Zeljko
  • Oct 17 - Antoine
  • Oct 24 - Antoine
  • Oct 31 - Mukunda

Team Business


First Offsite

  • waiting to hear back confirmation from Travel but... I was told that no more offsites can be scheduled next to TechConf in Portland in October, so the week of Nov 5th it is.

Needs attention


Scrum of Scrums

Greg to copy to etherpad after meeting: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Scrum-of-Scrums

This week


Release Engineering


Last week

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates

Train status and happenings

  • wmf.15 went fairly well
  • I don't expect major issues with wmf.16

Past week status updates

All of it in table form: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Release_Engineering_Team/Goals/201718Q4

Quaterly Goals for Q1


Pipeline: Move verify stage from Minikube to CI k8s namespace in production context

tracking task
  • I think we're close to done
  • helm test failing for CI namespace -- Alex fixed it all
    • we weren't able to hit the mathoid container since we don't run dns in k8s
    • EnvVar that had the IP addr of the mathoid container was available to use
    • New version of the chart was deployed, need to verify that's all we need

Code Health

  • T199253 - Investigate and propose record of origin (ROO) for deployed code (currently Developers/Maintainers page)
  • Perform existing Stewardship review process for Q1 cycle.
  • T199254 - Add test evaluation to post mortem review process.
  • Review existing e2e test coverage.
  • Define prioritization scheme.
  • Prioritize e2e testing gaps.
  • T199257 - make current unit testing coverage more visible by reporting out to Engineering Management.
  • T199259 - Platform and Search Platform teams are using TDM PoC
  • T199262 - Identify key Tech Debt areas
  • T199263 - Put in place Tech Debt management process for PEP
    • continued review of their existing tech debt.
  • T199261 - Define base Code Health metric set.
    • Starting the formation of the Code Health Metrics Working Group

Developer Productivity

  • Make a hire to create the capacity needed for this program.
  • Write and share a survey to measure developer satisfaction and areas for investment. - task T197635

Other work



  • Q1 goals task: T198389 Q1 Selenium framework improvements
    • No progess, worked on train incident reports

Gerrit =

  • NOTE: Not included in DC switchover
  • Paladox wants to change default UI
    • Greg to verify with paladox
  • User plugin? thcipriani/mukunda: wanna pair

Phabricator =

  • NOTE: Not included in DC switchover
  • Finished antivandalism notifications (via phabricator notification feed) but not in time for deployment last week. Will deploy on Wednesday this week.
  • That should unblock us turning off the account approval queue and account auto-locking when the vandalism filter is triggered.


  • Changed workspacesDir with dan last week


  • Had first of two QA Discussion sessions. Good discussion so far. Driver at this point is the perceived need for more manual testers. But they are willing to approach the QA topic more hollistically.




  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?






  • What I plan to do this week
    • Continue QA Strategy Discussions/work.
    • Continue work on PEP TD engagement.
    • Update PM to include Test evaluation
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Train 1.32.0-wmf.16
    • Deploy antivandalism notifications
    • Turn off phabricator account approval queue
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Finish helm test in ci namespace
    • remove deployment-{tin,mira}
    • merge update to logstash-canary.py
    • review take-home tests
  • What I'm blocked on
    • jenkins-releases: none of us have root TODO file task
    • gerrit user plugin updates -- pair with mukunda (maybe if there's time)
  • Other?





Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Once / month-ish review of backlog(s)


Kanban stats

Burnup chart