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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20180319

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • March 20th dentist 8am thcipriani (should be back before it matters, I hope)
  • Mar 26-29 (week since WMF holiday Fri): thcipriani vacation
  • Mar 30 (Fri): WMF Holiday
  • April 2: Željko (Holidays in Croatia - Easter Monday)
  • Apr 3-13: Greg vacation
  • April 16 (Mon): WMF Holiday
  • May 1: Željko (Holidays in Croatia - Labor Day / May Day)
  • May 15?/16/17: Team offsite in Barcelona
  • May 18-20: Wikimedia Hackathon in Barcelona
  • May 21 (Mon): Tech-Mgt F2F
  • May 31: Željko (Holidays in Croatia - Corpus Christi)

Rotating positions



Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?project=PHID-PROJ-fmcvjrkfvvzz3gxavs3a&statuses=open%28%29&group=none&order=newest#R
  • Feb 19 - wmf.22 - Mukunda
  • Feb 26 - wmf.23 - Tyler
  • Mar 05 - wmf.24 - Tyler
  • Mar 12 - wmf.25 - Chad
  • Mar 19 - wmf.26 - Chad <----
  • Mar 26 - wmf.27 - Mukunda
  • Apr 02 - wmf.28 - Mukunda
  • Apr 09 - wmf.29 - Tyler
  • Apr 16 - wmf.30 - Tyler


  • Feb 19 - Chad
  • Feb 26 - Mukunda
  • Mar 05 - Mukunda
  • Mar 12 - Tyler
  • Mar 19 - Tyler <----
  • Mar 26 - Chad
  • Apr 02 - Chad
  • Apr 09 - Mukunda
  • Apr 16 - Mukunda

Team Business




Scrum of Scrums

Greg to copy to etherpad after meeting: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Scrum-of-Scrums

This week


Release Engineering

  • Blocking
  • Blocked
  • Updates
    • Minor Gerrit upgrade planned for this week (2.14.6 -> 2.14.7)
    • Incident analysis started last week of the last year’s worth of incidents reports
    • Scap 3.7.7 should be rolled out to production this week

Last week


Release Engineering

  • Blocking
    • Scoring platform release of scap 3.8 (I think mukunda tagged that, but I'll double check)
  • Blocked
  • Updates
  • Quarterly goal dependency update:
    • Continue improving the ways that users can download articles of interest for later consumption
      • Reading Web: Tech Ops/RelEng
    • Update:

Train status and happenings

  • mostly boring

Past week status updates

All of it in table form: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Release_Engineering_Team/Goals/201718Q3

Quarterly Goals


Program 1: Outcome 5: Milestone 1: Develop and migrate to a JavaScript-based browser testing stack

Due: End of this quarter
What: Specific improvements to the now canonical framework, see: task T182421, notably:
Upgrade webdriverIO to version 4.9
Investigate replacing nodemw with mwbot
Video recording for Selenium tests in Node.js
Task: task T182421
  • T180144 Upgrade WebdriverIO to 4.12.0 - done, waiting for reviews
  • T179188 Video recording for Selenium tests in Node.js - initial research done
  • T182691 Selenium tests should be easier to run - had an idea but got stuck on upstream bug https://github.com/webdriverio/webdriverio/issues/2657
  • T187859 Move one Selenium tests from mediawiki/core to mediawiki/skins/Vector - stuck with understanding the problem, asked for help

Program 1: Outcome 5: Objective 1: Maintain existing shared Continuous Integration infrastructure

Draft requirements for a Kubernetes based solution for CI - task T183513
Migrate MediaWiki PHPUnit tests to Shipyard (docker-based CI) (~40% of Nodepool usage) - task T183512
Will be worked on after the long tail task T187797
Unify production and CI docker image build process - task T177276
Yes Done 01/15

Program 3: Outcome 1: Objective 2: Identify and find stewards for high-priority/high use code segment orphans

Due: End of quarter
task T174091

Program 3: Outcome 2: Objective 2: Define and implement a process to regularly address technical debt across the Foundation

Due: End of quarter
task T174095

Program 3: Outcome 2: Objective 3: Promote and surface important technical debt topics at large gatherings of Wikimedia developers (e.g., DevSummit and Hackathon(s))

Due: End of next quarter
task T174096

Program 6: Outcome 2: Objective 2: Set up a continuous integration and deployment pipeline

Due: End of this quarter
Keyword: SSD
phab project: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/2453/
Verify basic functionality of 'production' deployment and image (initially targeting mathoid):
Functional PoC within integration in the deployment-pipeline
Deploy to isolated k8s
  • meeting last week went well
  • helm is packaged
  • still need minikube packaging
  • still need puppet work
  • still need ci work
  • this is a lot :(

Quaterly non-goal "Work"


Program 1: Outcome 1: Objective 1: Scap (Tech Debt Sprint FY201718-Q2)


Program 1: Outcome 5: Objective 1: Maintain existing shared Continuous Integration infrastructure


Program 1: Outcome 6: Milestone 1: Maintain Gerrit


Program 1: Outcome 6: Milestone 2: Maintain Phabricator

Streamline logspam workflows by adding some integration with phabricator
Store git-lfs (and other phab uploads) in swift: task T182085
  • Still working on swift backend

Other work





  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
    • Figuring out a good strategy to run MediaWiki tests in Docker
  • Other?
    • Upstreamed a few bits of CI to mediawiki/core , fixed tests


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Train
    • Gerrit minor point upgrade (2.14.6 -> 2.14.7)
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?




  • What I plan to do this week
    • Incident analysis+preso
    • sync-up with Victoria and Mark on how to move this forward
    • Travel budget verification
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • SCAP 3.7.7 should be deployed today.
    • More work on swift for phabricator storage.
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • As much puppet as I'm able for integration/minikube stuff
    • code review
    • finish slides
  • What I'm blocked on
    • minikube still
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • T185011 Create selenium-MediaWiki-jessie daily Jenkins job
    • T188740 Post mortem for T139740 Port Selenium tests from Ruby to Node.js
  • What I'm blocked on
    • T185094 Update page object pattern in Selenium tests - done in core, waiting for reviews
    • T181284 Replace nodemw with mwbot - done in core, waiting for reviews
    • T180144 Upgrade WebdriverIO to 4.12.0 - done, waiting for reviews
    • T187859 Move one Selenium tests from mediawiki/core to mediawiki/skins/Vector - stuck with understanding the problem, asked for help
  • T182691 Selenium tests should be easier to run - had an idea but got stuck on upstream bug https://github.com/webdriverio/webdriverio/issues/2657
  • Other?
    • right hand hurts :'( - typing slowly using left hand
    • T190046 Write Selenium tests in JavaScript/Node.js - session for wikimedia-hackathon-2018
    • T189122 Migrate language-screenshots-VisualEditor off of Nodepool to Docker containers - done - LanguageScreenshotBot uploaded 2k+ screenshots in 90 languages - Antoine did all CI and half bot work



Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Once / month-ish review of backlog(s)


Kanban stats

Burnup chart