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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20170717

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • July 20: Mukunda court date for CNI ticket
  • July 24: 1-2 days - Željko vacation
  • July 28th: Greg vacation
  • August 3-9: Željko vacation
  • Aug 11-13: Chad maybe on vacation
  • Some weeks in August: Antoine
  • Aug 14th: thcipriani Birthday!
  • Aug 21st - thcipriani eclipse!

Team Business


Rotating positions and absences


Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?project=PHID-PROJ-fmcvjrkfvvzz3gxavs3a&statuses=open%28%29&group=none&order=newest#R

July 3 and July 10

  • Train: Tyler
    • no wmf.8 train week of July 4th (tuesday)
    • wmf.9
      • Airport run tomorrow at 2:45pm -- surely train wil be done by then, right...RIGHT‽
  • SoS: Mukunda
  • Out:
    • July 3+4: Greg (Vacation)
    • July 7th: Mukunda
    • July 10th-14th: Antoine (friend wedding iirc+ Bastille day)

July 17 and July 24

  • Train: Chad
  • SoS: Tyler
  • Out:
    • 1-2 days around July 24: Željko vacation

Actions from last meeting


Scrum of Scrums


This week

  • Blocking
  • Blocked
  • Updates
    • Train update

Last week

  • Blocking
  • Blocked
  • Updates
    • 1.29-rc.1 is out, hopefully release out this week (Friday if nothing comes up)


  • LuaSandbox needs some love, it's spamming everywhere
  • Some runjobs thing changed logging channels -- need to file meta task

Other Team Business

  • Reminder on annual personal goals: see email

Q1 goal/project check-in


Program 6: Streamlined service delivery

Define functional tests for Mathoid running on the staging Kubernetes cluster for use in future gating decisions - task T170482
Define method for monitoring and reacting to the above functional tests - task T170483

last meeting

  • security matrix: no comments
  • ops to k8s 1.5+
  • blubber patches

Deprecate use of Trebuchet across production - task T129290

  • statsv seems ready, going to ask filippo about it next meeting
  • remove a whole bunch of stuff from /srv/deployment -- task to be filed

Migrate majority of developers to JavaScript based browser test framework (webdriver.io) - Phabricator task number not specified


Non-Quarterly goal work




Quality improvements

  • Code Health Group
    • Met with Google Code Health Group lead
    • Continued worked on Technical debt
    • Set up CHG meeting
  • Test Strategy discussion with Quality Assurance SIG

Browser tests (non quaterly goal stuff)






Nightlies server


Docker for CI


Misc CI


Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Kanban stats

Burnup chart