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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20170710

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • July 10th-14th: Antoine (friend wedding iirc+ Bastille day)
  • July 11th: thcipriani leaving at 2:45pm (hopefully fine with train, but knowing train probably not)
  • July 11: Željko vacation
  • July 20: Mukunda court date for CNI ticket
  • 1-2 days around July 24: Željko vacation
  • August 3-9: Željko vacation
  • Aug 11-13: Chad maybe on vacation
  • Some weeks in August: Antoine

Team Business


Rotating positions and absences


Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?project=PHID-PROJ-fmcvjrkfvvzz3gxavs3a&statuses=open%28%29&group=none&order=newest#R

June 19 and June 26


July 3 and July 10

  • Train: Tyler
    • no wmf.8 train week of July 4th (tuesday)
    • wmf.9
      • Airport run tomorrow at 2:45pm -- surely train wil be done by then, right...RIGHT‽
  • SoS: Mukunda
  • Out:
    • July 3+4: Greg (Vacation)
    • July 7th: Mukunda
    • July 10th-14th: Antoine (friend wedding iirc+ Bastille day)

July 17 and July 24

  • Train: Chad
  • SoS: Tyler
  • Out:
    • 1-2 days around July 24: Željko vacation

Actions from last meeting

  • ACTION (Chad): status update email to wikitech-l of 1.29 release
    • Chad sent an email announcing rc.1 of 1.29

Scrum of Scrums


This week

  • Blocking
  • Blocked
  • Updates
    • 1.29-rc.1 is out, hopefully release out this week (Friday if nothing comes up)

Last week

  • Blocking
  • Blocked
  • Updates


  • Beta Cluster ORES thing

Other Team Business


Q1 goal/project check-in


Program 6: Streamlined service delivery

Define functional tests for Mathoid running on the staging Kubernetes cluster for use in future gating decisions
Define method for monitoring and reacting to the above functional tests
No meeting last week because of our independence

Deprecate use of Trebuchet across production - task T129290


Migrate majority of developers to JavaScript based browser test framework (webdriver.io)

  • T167502 Refactor webdriverio tests for mediawiki core so users and pages are created via the api
    • Done. A big thank you to Timo and Dan.
  • T164721 Run WebdriverIO tests in CI for extensions
    • Almost there™.
    • Got it "working" for Math and VisualEditor (but both of them are not configured correctly in CI so tests fail).
    • Working on getting it working for RelatedArticles.
    • It is really slow to debug, since I can only do it in CI.
    • Patches I am working on:

Non-Quarterly goal work




Quality improvements

  • Code Health Group
    • Forming preliim Code Health Group and meeting next week
    • collecting language specific CH factors/influencers
    • Meeting with Google's CHG Lead Wednesday

Browser tests (non quaterly goal stuff)

  • No progress until T164721 (Run WebdriverIO tests in CI for extensions) is resolved



Still blocked on all the things


  • scap3 work moving along nicely

Nightlies server

  • A little blocked on some stuff with reprepo, but moving

Docker for CI


Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Kanban stats

Burnup chart