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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20150407

From mediawiki.org



Team Business


Team Quarterly Goals



Scrum of Scrums

Blocked on us: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?statuses=open%2Cstalled&allProjects=PHID-PROJ-arpazvuktn2l647rb6us#R

Delete #Blocked-on-Continuous-Integration tag in favor of using #Blocked-On-Releng https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T95310 Unlikely anyone will ever look at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/blocked-on-continuous-integration/

Beta Cluster stability

Quarterly Priority: Green nightly builds on staging: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T88701
Quarterly Priority: Stable uptime metrics of the Staging cluster: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T88705

Tyler is working on rcstream

  • For context, has been setup by _joe_ (ops) and ori (dev)

Chad on tin

Test history

Quarterly Priority: By team test history: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T88706

Isolated CI instances

Quarterly Priority: Disposable VMs - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T47499
  • Couple meetings with Andrew B and Chase P last week
  • First server being installed in labs (labnodepool1001 https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T95045 )
  • Antoine to refine architecture
  • We might end up setting up a brand new CI infra (Zuul + Jenkins + NodePool) in parallel of the current one then migrate
  • Our Jenkins is unpuppetized / manually configured. OpenStack has puppet manifests, should we invest time in killing that tech debt?
  • Browser tests targetting beta been broken for a day or so. Should be fine now. - the stupid bool/string DNS issue

MediaWiki Releases

Quarterly Priority: Release MediaWiki 1.25: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T88709
Tests broken on master!! https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T95282 (THIS IS A BLOCKER)
  • Master do not pass tests on MediaWiki Vagrant. People rely on Jenkins passing so they probably never run tests in Vagrant.
  • Jenkins/CI stuck to PHPUnit 3.6.x for now, since we run jobs on different branches including REL1_19
    • PHPUnit job will eventually switch to composer which would bring whatever PHPUnit version devs want
  • Error: 1146 Table 'wiki.unittest_user' doesn't exist ()
    • Happens to me a ton on my Local machine. Some teardown does not happen when tests are abruptly ended with CTR+C and the unit test tables are left behind
    • Same happen with sqlite search index tables sometime.

  • Cutting REL1_25 has impacts on CI (see integration/config.git)
  • When is the branch cut?
    • Today by 23:59:59 Pacific

Other Work




- automation engineer not at work with us page yet? http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Work_with_us -- met one interested person at a local meetup recently

    • nope, need to finalize the task then they'll post it



  • Antoine: observing french holidays: Fri May 1, Fri May 7-8, Thurs May 14
  • Dan in France the week before offsite (May 11-15)
  • Week before hackathon: Team offsite in France - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T89036
  • May: Hackathon in Lyon, France
  • Chad vacation after offsite/hackathon (through 5/31)
  • Elena on vacation May26-June07