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Wikimedia Language engineering/Reports/2021/April

From mediawiki.org
March 2021 Wikimedia Language engineering monthly report for April 2021 May 2021

Monthly updates from the Wikimedia Language team about changes to internationalization and translation and other language support features. Names of people assumed to contribute as volunteers are in bold text.



Content Translation


Content Translation allows people to translate Wikipedia articles. Check out also the updates about version 3.

Usage data

Content Translation monthly data April 2021 Comments
Articles created (during the month) 21135
Articles created till end of month 884351
Number of new translators (during the month) 1401
Highest number of articles created by one user

(cumulative number till end of the month)

10012 vi
Highest number of translators for a Wikipedia

(cumulative number till end of the month)

11360 es
Highest number of translations last month for a Wikipedia 1722 es
Total number of translators with only 1 published article

(cumulative number till end of the month)

Total number of translators with only 2 published articles

(cumulative number till end of the month)

Total number of translators with only 3 published articles

(cumulative number till end of the month)

Total number of translators with only 4 published articles

(cumulative number till end of the month)

Total number of translators with >= 5 and < 20 published articles

(cumulative number till end of the month)

Total number of translators with >= 20 and < 100 published articles

(cumulative number till end of the month)

Total number of translators with >= 100 published articles

(cumulative number till end of the month)

Total number of translators with >= 1000 published articles

(cumulative number till end of the month)

Section translation revisions 6
Section translation unique pages 5
Section translation unique users 5
Articles deleted (during the month) 611

Other statistics

Top growing languages
Language Absolute growth Percent of growth
su 20 400.00%
om 3 300.00%
cy 52 226.09%
azb 4 200.00%
br 4 200.00%
co 2 200.00%
sm 2 200.00%
tk 2 200.00%
bs 31 163.16%
haw 3 150.00%
lv 18 150.00%
lg 22 122.22%
sl 73 117.74%
fi 48 114.29%
ce 2 100.00%
fy 1 100.00%
mzn 1 100.00%
ny 1 100.00%
rm 1 100.00%
rw 1 100.00%
tt 248 98.41%
mk 209 81.01%
my 3 75.00%
eo 32 74.42%
mr 21 63.64%
sr 79 62.70%
ne 5 62.50%
lld 3 50.00%
ko 14 48.28%
ig 10 45.45%
ga 12 40.00%
bg 35 39.33%
kw 1 33.33%
tg 33 32.04%
ms 20 31.75%
bjn 1 25.00%
mnw 2 25.00%
ro 53 23.77%
si 1 20.00%
hu 11 19.64%
gl 74 18.59%
lt 1 14.29%
tr 154 14.22%
es 203 11.42%
sv 4 7.69%
cs 7 3.70%
fa 28 3.42%
Languages with top published translations
Language This month
es 1981
uk 1627
fr 1510
tr 1237
pt 1216
ar 1015
fa 847
el 768
ca 722
it 547
he 546
ja 545
ta 510
tt 500
gl 472
mk 467
bn 452
zh 429
en 401
ru 391
ba 309
ro 276
eu 266
pa 232
vi 215
sr 205
cs 196
ml 143
tl 138
tg 136
sl 135
jv 126
bg 124
ha 123
be 95
de 95
sq 92
fi 90
da 85
ms 83
hy 79
cy 75
eo 75
id 75
hu 67
nl 67
pl 67
hi 65
uz 65
sv 56
Languages that had some translations in the previous month, and no translations this month
Language Previous month
ady 3
ak 4
an 2
arz 81
av 8
cv 1
fur 1
gag 4
glk 1
kaa 1
kab 4
kbd 1
kl 1
ks 24
ksh 1
kv 1
lad 3
li 1
lmo 1
ltg 1
mhr 1
nah 1
pdc 2
pfl 1
pnt 1
qu 1
rmy 2
sat 1
sh 4
smn 1
srn 1
stq 5
Languages that had no translations in the previous month, and translations this month
Language This month
ht 11
am 3
io 3
kk 3
koi 3
mg 3
xh 3
ab 2
alt 2
hif 2
ia 2
ilo 2
vec 2
wo 2
ace 1
cr 1
cu 1
diq 1
frr 1
gd 1
gn 1
inh 1
jbo 1
ki 1
lb 1
lfn 1
lij 1
nia 1
nov 1
os 1
pms 1
sah 1
tyv 1
zu 1



Wikimedia's software is translated to hundreds of languages using the Translate extension for MediaWiki. In addition, it is used to translate help pages, newsletters, policies, announcements, banners, etc. It is installed on Wikimedia special projects, translatewiki.net and many other sites. Translate is part of MLEB. Improvements made in the last month include:

And a bunch of other behind-the-scenes improvements. Please follow this link to see a full list of patches submitted to the extension during this month.

Usage data

  • Translatable pages: Meta 6.509 (+4); MediaWiki.org 5.554 (+33); Commons 1.551 (+26) [1][2][3]
  • Translate extension is installed on 419 (+9) wikis [1].

Universal Language Selector


Universal Language Selector provides language selector, list of suggested languages, input methods and web fonts. It is part of MLEB. Notable changes made include,

Please follow this link to see a full list of patches submitted to the extension during this month.

Other extensions


Babel (part of MLEB):

  • Localisation and maintenance updates only.

cldr (Common Locale Data Repository) (part of MLEB):

CleanChanges (part of MLEB):

  • Localisation and maintenance updates only.

LocalisationUpdate (part of MLEB):

  • Localisation and maintenance updates only.


  • Localisation and maintenance updates only.

MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle


The MediaWiki language extension bundle (MLEB) provides an easy way to bring ultimate language support to your MediaWiki. The bundle is a collection of a selected few MediaWiki extensions needed by any wiki which desires to be multilingual.

MLEB 2021.04 was released in April, 2021. Please see the release notes for a list of changes. Next release will be in July, 2021.

MediaWiki core internationalization


Changes to translations and equivalent localisation data (magic words, namespace names) are not included in this list. The volunteer translators are updating translations every day to keep up with changes.

  • Languages added to core:
    • Dagbani
  • Internationalization feature changes:
    • Removed unnecessary control character from Names.php (gerrit)

Reusable JavaScript libraries for language support



  • Languages added and changed: Dargwa (a.k.a. Dargin, dar)
  • Cleared the usage of the Ojibwe language in language-data and translatewiki (task T280461)



  • No updates


  • Update language-data


  • No updates


  • Updates in the Basaa and Palochka keyboards



See also translatewiki.net news page.

Language configuration updates

  • Added: Dargin (Dargwa, dar)
  • Removed:
    • Dagbani, graduated to core
    • Chippewa, merged with Ojibwe (task T280461)


  • About 89 (-10) new users [2]
  • About 412 (-14) translators made about 41.196 (-9.784) edits [3][4]
  • About 100 (-5) translators reviewed about 12.504 (+588) translations [5][6]


  • Localisation and maintenance updates only.

Cross team work/requirements


Public communication and outreach


Team status
