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Wikimedia Hackathon 2018/Wikimedia and Open Science

From mediawiki.org

Wikimedia and Open Science event IN BARCELONA | 16 April 2018 | Barcelona, Catalonia

Wikimedia and Open Science event will take place on Monday 16 April, 2018 in Barcelona, PRBB. It is a warm-up event linked to Wikimedia Hackathon 2018 and it will be focused on Open Science topics. It's an event organized by Amical Wikimedia and Wikimedia Foundation, in collaboration with Centre for Genomic Regulation and FOSTER.

Event program


Role of Wikimedia in the era of Open Science

Wikimedia has been developing and hosting open initiatives to help the scientific community and to make ongoing research more approachable to a wider citizen audience long before Open Science became a central topic of debate among scientists, policymakers and funders. Open Science, as supported by the European Commission, aims to open up the research process by fostering open access to publications, open and FAIR data, open tools, open peer review, research integrity, stakeholder engagement and citizen science. Projects hosted by Wikimedia like Gene Wiki as part of Wikipedia, or that use wiki technologies like WikiPathways are widely used and accepted by both the research community and the general public. More recently, Wikidata, a knowledge base platform within the Wikimedia ecosystem, has attracted huge interest also because of its potential benefits for the research community. As a result, the WikiCite initiative - an effort to build a repository of bibliographic information - was born. During this one-day event we will explore how the Wikimedia community can build on existing Open Science initiatives (e.g. ORCID) and how Wikimedia projects and technologies can empower ongoing projects aligned with the Open Science philosophy.

Program outline

  • 09.00 - Registration
  • 09.15 - Interactive ice breaking
  • 10.30 - Talk - Andy Mabbett
  • 11.00 - Coffee Break
  • 11.30 - Speakers talks / Flash talks from participants
  • 13.15 - Lunch
  • 14.30 - Parallel sessions: Hackathon / Discussion groups / Tutorial
  • 16.00 - Coffee break
  • 16.15 - Wrap-up and defining concrete actions
  • 17.30 - End of the event


  • Etherpad here, or IRC on freenode in #wmhack.



Below some material and outcomes from the event:

Andy Mabbett. Wikimedia and Open Science: Collaborating for Mutual Benefit

Gwen Frank. Open for Business. Use cases for non-author fee based open access publishing

Ignasi Labastida. Developing Open Science strategies at a university

Eduard Aibar. Wikipedia as a platform for the public communication of science

Iryna Kuchma. ScienceSource project, Wikidata and Open Science Fellows

Diego Saez-Trumper. Wikimedia Research

Angel Obregon. Wikipedia in education in Spain

Phabricator proposals






Registration form

Please it is mandatory to register for venue access and helping in the logistics of the event (meals, room capacity)

Optionally you can also feel free to add/modify your wiki username below.

  1. Eduard Aibar (UOC)
  2. Pedro Fernandes (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência)
  3. Gwen Franck (EIFL, CC Belgium)
  4. Iryna Kuchma (EIFL)
  5. Ignasi Labastida (Universitat de Barcelona)
  6. Andy Mabbett
  7. Toni Hermoso
  8. Àlex Hinojo
  9. Ricard Recasens
  10. Miquel Duran
  11. Ángel Obregón
  12. barcelona



The event will take place in the Centre for Genomic Regulation, located in the building of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park.

Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona
Carrer del Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona (Catalonia)



This event will follow the Friendly space policy for Wikimedia Foundation events, attendees must read and follow our Code of Conduct.

Get in touch


Contact: hackathon@wikimedia.cat, please also Cc training@crg.eu

This e-mail address can be used for all inquiries or questions regarding the event.
