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Wikimedia Hackathon 2018/Participant List

From mediawiki.org

Complete this table if you want to share your participation. See also this etherpad for social activities.

Name Affiliation Interests Best way to contact you What would you like to learn? What help does your project need? Anything else to add? jokes? Quotes?
Arturo Borrero Gonzalez Wikimedia Foundation, Cloud Services team Cloud Services, Linux, Networking, Servers, Open Source, Open Knowledge aborrero@wikimedia.org I also love outdoor adventures
Dario Taraborelli Wikimedia Foundation WikiCite, Wikimedia Research, Wikidata and Wikibase dario@wikimedia.org or @ReaderMeter any project related to data quality in Wikidata see the WikiCite track for projects you can help with. I might also be working on data models/workflows for a genealogical Wikibase. @Samwilson and Jdlrobson: any taker?
Gilles Dubuc Wikimedia Foundation Web performance, media files gilles@wikimedia.org Commons users/admins for advice
Benoît Evellin Wikimedia Foundation Communities, newcomers first steps trizek@wikimedia.org any experiences and initiatives about new users
Marios Magioladitis Wikimedia Community User Group Greece Bots, AWB Special:EmailUser/Magioladitis
Nuria Wikimedia Foundation Analytics
John Vandenberg Wikimedia Indonesia Indonesia, pywikibot, Wikisource, GSoC, GCI, Developer Relations jayvdb@gmail.com or https://gitter.im/jayvdb
Lucas Werkmeister Wikimedia Germany Wikidata lucas.werkmeister@wikimedia.de, @LucasWerkmeistr
Léa Lacroix Wikimedia Germany Wikidata, lexicographical data, documentation lea.lacroix@wikimedia.de, @Auregann I will take care of the documentation sprint, join us if you want to work on documentation!
Tpt Télécom ParisTech Wikisource, Wikidata... Special:EmailUser/Tpt all new great projects related to Wikidata and Wikibase Help for Wikisource related things (improve the VisualEditor experience, code refactoring, deeper integration with Wikidata...)
Andre Klapper Wikimedia Foundation Community metrics; Phabricator; Helping new developers see User:AKlapper (WMF)
Gergő Tisza Wikimedia Foundation All things MediaWiki see user page
Eddie Greiner-Petter Volunteer Mediawiki, Puppet (lately esp. Apache conf) see user page pywikibot, more puppet stuff Anyone experienced with extension deployment for Extension:ThrottleOverride
Marshall Miller Wikimedia Foundation New editor experiences and retention; using data to make product decisions mmiller@wikimedia.org Projects related to new user onboarding, Articles for Creation, mentorship between editors
Michael Holloway Wikimedia Foundation APIs and services, maps, multimedia, Wikimedia Commons, Dockerizing MediaWiki (e.g., mediawiki-containers) mholloway@wikimedia.org more about Structured Data on Commons
Bernd Sitzmann Wikimedia Foundation APIs and services, web stuff bernd@wikimedia.org or bearND on IRC
Amir Sarabadani Wikimedia Germany Wikidata, ORES, mediawiki, UI standardisation (OOUIfiction) Ladsgroup@gmail.com
Tobias1984 Wikimedia Austria Wikidata, API, Rust, tobias47n9e@gmail.com Good ways of self-hosting a Wikibase instance I am mentoring during the hackathon. I can probably help with most types of projects. If someone is interested in Rust we can also work on https://crates.io/crates/wikibase
Petrb None Huggle, wm-bot, cloud services IRC petan@freenode JavaScript I am going to focus on task T72160, any C++ or JS devs are welcome
Florian Schmidt Volunteer MediaWiki, extensions and configuration management see user page
Toni Hermoso Pulido Amical Wikimedia MediaWiki, Wikidata (Wikibase, WikiCite), l10n, bots, etc. Special:EmailUser/Toniher Apart from organisation tasks, if I have time I would try to help fixing issues like task T148582 or task T170263
Vachagan Gratian Wikimedia Armenia, University of Stuttgart Natural Language Processing, Machine learning, Python mail: vgratian@utopialab.am

xmpp: vgratian@jabber.org

twitter: @vgratian

First-time participant, so I would like some guidance: how can I help with my skills?
Victor Bjelkholm Protocol Labs Decentralized Systems victorbjelkholm@gmail.com & victor@protocol.ai WikiData, Structured Data and related subjects Knowledge about data formats within Wikipedia I'm gonna try to publish distributed archives of various Wikipedia data during the hackathon
Marcel Ruiz Forns Wikimedia Foundation Analytics: data processing, visualization and privacy. mforns@wikimedia.org
Maxime Lathuilière inventaire.io Wikidata & Inventaire data exchanges, WikidataJS tools, Hub max@maxlath.eu or @maxlath@mastodon.social or @maxlath I will probably be working on data imports from Inventaire to Wikidata, and/or hang around the WikiCite room If there is a feature that you would like to see appear on WikidataJS tools or the Hub, that could be a good time to have a look at it together!
0x010C Volunteer Languages, maps, API, gadgets, Wikibase wm@0x010c.fr
Trey Jones Wikimedia Foundation Languages and search trey@wikimedia.org I've got a list of language-related (and mostly search-related) projects I'd like to work on at the hackathon—and after! If you can help with any of them, let me know! Tell me why your search sucks! (and maybe I can do something about it)
Dmitry Brant Wikimedia Foundation All things Mobile, Android, user experience, and new forms of contributions. dbrant@wikimedia.org
Stas Malyshev Wikimedia Foundation Wikidata, Search, SPARQL, structured data smalyshev@wikimedia.org
Lydia Pintscher Wikimedia Deutschland all things Wikidata lydia.pintscher@wikimedia.de, @nightrose I'll be there to help anyone with Wikidata-related projects. If you're still looking for something to work on there are lovely Wikidata tasks on this Phabricator board.
Sjoerddebruin Wikimedia Nederland (scholarship) Wikidata @sjoerddebruin Contributing to MediaWiki/Wikibase code, OOjs Someone who has time to help me getting started or wants to help making gadgets on Wikidata better.
Deb Tankersley Wikimedia Foundation Program management for the Technology Department (and general Search questions) deb@wikimedia.org
Pau Giner Wikimedia Foundation Design and language support pginer@wikimedia.org I'd like to learn more about translation on mobile. I plan to create some prototypes and get feedback. Feedback from users with experience translating, editing on mobile, or both. If you need design help for your hackathon project, I'll be happy to help. Check the design and language related plans for the hackathon.
Lea Voget Wikimedia Deutschland Technical Wishes, mediawiki, edit conflicts, Moving files to commons (FileImporter) lea.voget@wikimedia.de I'd like to learn more about how the parsers work, and what are all the things involved in creating and showing references We will have tickets from all kinds of community wishes, that are waiting for a volunteer to pick them up! (We will also provide mentors)
Daniel Kinzler (WMDE) (talk) Wikimedia Deutschland TechCom, Platform Evolution, Wikidata/Wikibase daniel.kinzler@wikimedia.de I'm interested in how people use APIs, dumps, and tool forge, what problems they experience, and how we could make things better for them.
Gabriel Birke Wikimedia Deutschland Technical Wishes, mediawiki, search, frontend, Docker gabriel.birke@wikimedia.de @chiborg How to set up a more modern frontend development workflow, as outlined in a recent blog post Advice from people who know about Release Engineering
Tonina Zhelyazkova Wikimedia Deutschland Technical Wishes, mediawiki, E2E browser testing tonina.zhelyazkova@wikimedia.de I'm interested in learning more about mw core. I'm also interested in hearing about other people's experience with E2E testing in order to decide how we at wmde can make this process easier/better. Advice from people experienced in mw core. Feedback from people doing E2E testing.
Christoph Jauera Wikimedia Deutschland Technical Wishes, MediaWiki, FileImporter-, TwoColConflict-, Wikidiff2-extension christoph.jauera@wikimedia.de
WMDE-Fisch @ Phab/Gerrit
CFisch_WMDE @ #wmhack connect
Always looking for interested volunteers that want to help coding for MediaWiki.
Albin Larsson Swedish National Heritage Board / Volunteer Structured Data, GLAMs, Maps albin.post@gmail.com, Talk page, @albinpclarsson If someone wants to guide me through my first contribution to the Mediawiki Core you would earn a gold star. Pattypan could need your help with writing and reviewing tutorials and documentation!
Michael Schönitzer Wikimedia Deutschland (+Volunteer) wikidata,pywikibot,gadgets michael.schoenitzer@wikimedia.de Writing less ugly Javascript and everything else
Cormac Parle Wikimedia Foundation Structured Data on Commons, code quality, unit testing cparle@wikimedia.org Learning as much as I can about MediaWiki itself
Isarra MediaWiki skinning/themes, interface extensions, UX, workflows, design. Special:EmailUser/Isarra or find me on IRC. The buckets do we need to do to core to make it actually play nice with mobile? What do people waaaaant? Please tell me how you use mobile, because I don't. Help.
Bryan Davis Wikimedia Foundation, Cloud Services Toolforge, Toolhub, technical documentation, writing tutorials and how-to content for common concerns bd808@wikimedia.org, bd808 in #wikimedia-cloud connect and other Freenode IRC channels What is/was hard for you about getting started using Toolforge, Gerrit, Phabricator, IRC, and other tools in the Wikimedia technical space Help organizing and updating documentation for Toolforge, Gerrit, Phabricator, IRC, MediaWiki action API, getting started, etc.
James Forrester Wikimedia Foundation Editing tools, Developer tools, Welcoming new people, whatever you like! James_F on IRC What do I need to do to make contributing a better experience? 🤷🏽‍♂️
Niklas Laxström Wikimedia Foundation Everything about translation and internationalization Nikerabbit on IRC/Phabricator/Telegram If you are a translator, what would encourage you to translate more. If you are developer, how easy is it to get your software internationalized and translated? Translatewiki.net is looking for volunteers to support translators and projects using translatewiki.net I'm running a wiki which uses both Wikibase and Semantic MediaWiki. Does it make sense? Ask me why or tell your opinion :)
Sam Wilson Wikimedia Foundation CommTech; MediaWiki; Wikisource samwilson in #wikimedia-commtech connect; @samwilson:matrix.org
Jack Gleeson Wikimedia Foundation MediaWiki; Puppet; Docker; Wikidata jgleeson on #wikimedia-fundraising connect How can we integrate machine learning at fundraising tech.
Rachel Farrand Wikimedia Foundation Events, mentoring, newcomers IRC: rfarrand or email rfarrand@wikimedia How to make hackathons better Fill out the feedback survey after the hackathon! See you soon!!
John Samuel WikiCite, Structured Commons Special:EmailUser/Jsamwrites How to best ensure multilingualism and create well-referenced articles/items? Help on improving and enhancing community tools
Rafid Aslam Pywikibot, Git Commit Validator, GCI, Zulip rafidteam@gmail.com or t.me/refeed or refeed[z] in IRC Wikidata, Mediawiki-Vagrant, Pywikibot
Moritz Schubotz Uni Konstanz Math, Wikidata, VisualEditor IRC: physikerwelt or wiki@physikerwelt.de Which factors are most significant for developers to contribute to the Wikimedia Software Ecosystem? Experience in how to test the frontend and get representative feedback from the end users.
Igor Leturia Elhuyar Fundazioa, Basque Wikipedia User Group Wikispeech ileturia@elhuyar.eus or @ileturia New extensions development and deployment in WMF servers (specially Wikispeech) I will be working on Wikispeech. Help from anyone with experience and permissions for extension deployment in WMF servers will be appreciated.
Kepa Sarasola Basque Wikipedia User Group, Ixa Group, University of the Basque Country, UEU Language technology, Machine translation, Low resourced languages kepa.sarasola@ehu.eus or @kepasarasola Language techonology applied to Wikimedia, Wikimedia for Language Technology, Machine Translation, Content translation I will be working mainly on Machine translation (see Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons track). I need help for creating a service to translate captions of images in Commons.
Maite Melero UPF Language Technology, Machine Translation, Low-resourced languages maite.melero@upf.edu Wikidata related issues I'll be attending the track on Digital Humanities on Saturday morning, for the rest I will improvise
Sandra Fauconnier Wikimedia Foundation (GLAM strategist for Structured Commons) Wikidata, Structured Data on Commons, GLAM Special:EmailUser/SandraF (WMF) I'd love to get to know everyone who's interested in Structured Data on Commons, especially related to GLAM, and want to learn how to support you - both newcomer or advanced developer Come attend our sessions on Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons, and visit our team table!
Crochet a structured data bee to show that you support structured data in the Wikiverse!
Quiddity Wikimedia Foundation (Community Liaison) Documentation, Design, Discussion Special:EmailUser/Quiddity (WMF) or IRC:quiddity Which documentation examples you love (both ours, and other people's). What you'd need to write more docs. All the docs tasks and anything else that improves the docs. Ask me about the m:Wikimedia Cuteness Association.
Alex Hollender Wikimedia Foundation (UX) Mobile editing, knowledge maps/spatial organization of content, Wikidata ahollender@wikimedia.org What mobile editing flows people are most interested in, setting up my local environment and submitting patches "More than machinery, we need humanity; more than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness."

- Charlie Chaplin

Mahuton POSSOUPE Volunteer bots / wikidata bpossoupe@gmail.com Tools development and deploiement
Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen) Volunteer (Wikimedia Denmark) Wikidata / Scholia / machine learning @fnielsen Some more Javascript experience, Toolforge help/debugging Frontend development, Python-Flask and WDQS, Toolforge deployment, Toolforge-based machine learning Imaging a world with Toolforge-based privacy preserving speech recognition and generation and Wikimedia Commons- and Wikidata-based question answering.
Abel Serrano Juste Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Analytics, Data analysis, mediawiki hacking, bots abeserra@ucm.es or @Quasipodo bot developing, wikimedia plugin developing, wikimedia api wikimedia plugin, wikimedia bots, wikimedia api Any ideas on measuring when a wiki community is "healthy" (sustainable) or is not?
Srishti Sethi Wikimedia Foundation Developer Relations, Helping new developers ssethi@wikimedia.org Get some feedback / ideas and help in making progress on these two tasks: T194556, T194557 Same as in the previous column
Oriol Soriano Voluneer All things software development.

Cloud, infrastructure, machine learning, linux, devel tools &, overall, learning

oriolsoriano@gmail.com My main focus for this hackaton is to contribute all the work I can & help with anything I am capable of.

I will surely learn a lot along that way.

If you have a project and could use some software development or infra management help, ping me.
Nicole Ebber Wikimedia Deutschland Wikimedia 2030: Movement Strategy Process nicole.ebber@wikimedia.de A better understanding of how people would like to engage in the coming phase of the movement strategy process Input from the developer community regarding the Technology Working Group in the strategy process (title, scope, members etc)
Robert Vogel Hallo Welt! GmbH, Germany LDAP Authentication/Authorization; Using composer to install/update extensions; Extending VisualEditor; vogel@hallowelt.com Everything new and exciting
Lazhar Ichir Volunteer Natural Language Processing, NodeJS, Topic Extraction hello /at/ lazharichir /dot/ com Sementic web, linked data...
Arzhel Younsi Wikimedia Foundation Ops/Networking/Pipes/Bits ayounsi@wikimedia.org How is your latency? Beer, with moderation Yo.
Ferran Jorba Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / Volunteeer Bots/Quality assurance/Wiki Data/Python Ferran.Jorba@uab.cat Librarian-style jobs Understand links between wikidata and wikipedia articles. Maybe permisions? Best practices
Antonin Delpeuch University of Oxford / OpenRefine / dissem.in importing data in Wikidata, open access to scientific publications Special:EmailUser/Pintoch Wikibase deployment, federation more documentation and tutorials
Aure Séguier Lo Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana using API to interrogate Wikidata webmaster@locongres.org
Petr Urbanec University of Pardubice I am a newcomer https://t.me/Jerry_74
Martin Urbanec Wikimedia Czech Republic bots, anything else wiki-related martin.urbanec@wikimedia.cz Anything new! See you!
Daniel Mietchen WikiCite/ Scholia, Wiki Project Med et al. Workflows and infrastructure at the interface between Wikimedia and research Talk page on Wikidata Structured Commons, Wikibase, Lua See Scholia tickets for the hackathon and other WikiCite plans
Fabricio Cárdenas Wikimedia France Wikipedia in a lot of languages / Wikicommons / Wikidata @bibliofab66 or fabricio.cardenas@wikimedia.fr Being a newcomer, anything new that can help me in my wikimedian experience !
Tony Thomas Volunteer Automation, cloud related stuff. MediaWiki extensions, on-boarding new volunteers, unit testing Telegram: tonythomas01and IRC: tonythomas New ways to contribute, mostly with Python, etc. Dont know at this point
Nicolas Nallet Wiki Valley Semantic MediaWiki, Page Forms, Access control. SEO and MediaWiki Here Useful pywikibot scripts, GitHub Phabricator fundamentials skills for re(re)Launching HaloACL access control extension
Peter Grassberger Wikidata, MediaWiki Extensions, Semantic MediaWiki, PHP, python, Web PeterTheOne on Twitter, Telegram, IRC, petertheone@gmail.com Working with gerrit and phabricator, and other new things.. Looking for projects.. This will be my first Wikimedia Hackathon! \o/
User:Eloi Montes Learning as much as I can eloimontes11@gmail.com My first Wikimedia Hackathon
Alex Monk Volunteer Cloud Services, Linux, Security, Puppet, Huggle IRC or Telegram probably
Maria Noguera MDPI Bcn open source, open knowledge marianoguera9@gmail.com I am almost newbie to wikipedia as editor, I plan to make this an enriching event for me to learn and participate further in the future as a regular editor of wikipedia. My first Wikimedia Hackaton. Some skills on programming already. UAB my university :3 '12-'16
CristianCantoro Wikimedia Italia WikiCite, Analytics, OAbot Telegram: @CristianCantoro, Twitter: @CristianCantoro, E-mail:cristian.consonni@wikimedia.it All things Wikidata If you know how to write tests for Python programs, contact me!
Ángel Obregón Wikimedia España Wikipedia, Wikidata Telegram: Angelobregon Create a bot. I want create a bot in PHP.
Brendan Campbell-Craven Wikimedia Foundation Supporting Audio-visual needs, structured data on Commons IRC: brendan_campbell

Telegram: bcampbell

mail: bcampbell@wikimedia.org

How structured data on Commons works Let me know if you want your session recorded.
Klára Joklová Wikimedia Czech Republic Wikimedia, all in general, Hackathon as event klara.joklova@wikimedia.cz How to organize Hackathon experiences, good tips
Jan Groh Wikimedia Czech Republic project managment, commons app, GIS&cartography jan.groh@wikimedia.cz
Željko Filipin Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Release Engineering Team Selenium/Node.js zeljkof at IRC, @zeljkof at Telegram, zfilipin@wikimedia.org
Theklan Basque Wikimedians User Group Project manager, education,Wikidata, automatic templates, ideas... @theklaneh at Twitter, @Galder_Gonzalez at Telegram
Andrew Kostka Wikimedia Deutschland Technical Wishes, FileImporter-, TwoColConflict- andrew.kostka@wikimedia.de
Andrew-WMDE @ #wmhack connect
Name Affiliation Interests Best way to contact you What would you like to learn? What help does your project need? Anything else to add? jokes? Quotes?