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Wikimedia Features engineering/Notes/2012-W13

From mediawiki.org
Features team meeting
Place #wikimedia-dev connect



Engineering Goals: FY2012-2013


There is still almost a week before the the Engineering Goals are finalized as part of the 2012-2013 budget. So if you feel anything is wrong, feel free to make edits (or contact User:Tychay).

Meeting restructure


I would like to phase this meeting out (the etherpad that generates this will not be). Consider the and consult with your team:

  • Keeping project wiki status up-to-date:
    • Have someone from each team update the status on their wiki at least once a week; or
    • Designate me to keep status up to date
  • Weekly meeting update:
    • Have someone on each time give a report to me once a week by Tuesday morning;
    • Have someone on the team attend the IRC meeting to give report; or
    • Find a time once a week in my schedule where I can attend a meeting (informal, formal, standup, sitdown, with whole team or individually) where part of the agenda is to update me on engineering status for these notes
  • Cross-functional and misc admin:
    • You can update the weekly meeting etherpad (a new one gets opened when the previous week gets closed out);
    • You can send an e-mail to me;
    • or You can attend the weekly meeting on IRC and bring up the concerns publicly or privately
  • How to disseminate information out or between teams:
    • You can rely on me to e-mail you individually;
    • You can make individualls to be personally responsible to check the Weekly Status;
    • You can disseminate information back informally or via a designated IRC meeting attendee.

Goals of meeting

  • I feel the Weekly Meeting is sucking up too much engineering resources.
  • I feel the goals of the weekly meeting are:
    • To update me on status (seems like this burden should shift to me, instead of engineers)
    • To update project wikis on status (seems like the burden should shift tto the engineers instead of me, but I can assist if this takes up too much time)
    • To keep up cross-project awareness within Features (seems like this doesn't work on IRC anyway, and we've moved past the point of a standup or physical meeting, we need to find a solution here).
  • Note: Where it says "Have someone" above, I suggest you rotate responsibilities in order to spread the experience/pain as I don't think keeping this up-to-date should be involved.

Visual Editor


Last week:

  • New desk space for Wikia was procured on Monday

This Week:

  • The team will be involved in a goal setting meeting on Tuesday
  • The team will be meeting with Wikia on synchronization on Wednesday.



Last week:

  • On Vacation

This week:

  • On Vacation



Last week:

This week:

  • Working on an HTML DOM -> linear model converter

Evil plans to be executed after this week:

  • Finish my data model refactoring introducing the offset map (maybe this week)
  • Merge insert and remove operations into replace
  • Refactor/redesign all the data model code
  • Do a performance audit of the data model code


  • Need code review on change 3735; Trevor?



Last week:

  • Working at Wikia, planning R&D Toolbar configuration

This week:

  • Refactoring current demo with Content Editable surface.
  • Structuring UI configuration
  • Prototype VE extension config



Last week:

  • Under heavy sedation

This week:

  • Bug #34885
  • VisualEditor planning/goal setting
  • Connect some dots between dm, ce and ui

Editor Engagement: Article Creation Wizard (ACW)


Last Week:

  • The Editor Engagement team was moved upstairs on Monday. Benny, Ian, RyanK (when he is unsick), and Fabrice are now working together next to Fundraising Engineering and Community.



Last week:

  • Got backbone.js running in Mediawiki
  • Moved PageTriage's list view into Backbone, built it out
  • Updated a bunch of APIs to do what I want

This week:

  • Finishing up the list view
  • Hopefully getting filtering working on that as well.

Editor Engagement: Page Triage (PT)




Last week:

  • Add method to generate PageTriage dashboard data and table for triage status logging
  • Add namespace, bot and redirect in listview filtering
  • filters by metadata

This week:

  • PageTriage filters by metadata
  • Generating article snippet in listview
  • Add more stats for dashboard data
  • Add anonymous user metata data


  • None

Editor Engagement (AFTv5)


Last Week:

  • Patch release failed on Monday

This Week:

  • Trying to do patch release on Wednesday

Multimedia (TMH)


Last Week:

  • Michael and Jan ran into unresolved issues on the labs setup blocking from testing (this is probably because the labs instance is overloaded).
  • Chris McMahon will evaluate for when it will be ready to run the test plans.

This Week:

  • Terry will ping Labs (RyanL is on vacation) to try to get some movement from Labs on the hung processes
  • Ben is working on getting Swift deployed on Beta (may take longer than a week, not a blocker for Test Plan start, but will be necessary for acceptance)
  • Terry is working with RobLa and Chris McMahon to get QA resources lined up when ready.
  • Terry is meeting with Google to update them and figure out Jan's status





Last week:



Last week:

  • Working out some kinks in the hiring pipeline
  • Continued discussion with GlobalCollect regarding an upswing in chargebacks in February
  • Continued work on the pending globalcollect recurring module for civicrm
  • Cleanup after an eventually successful upgrade of our production instance of civicrm from 3.4 to 4.1.1.



Last week:

  • working on recurring_globalcollect

This week:

  • working on recurring_globalcollect



Last week:

  • Continue cleaning up occasional issues after the civi upgrade from 3.4 to 4.1.1 on the fundraiser's production instance of civicrm.
  • Work with GlobalCollect to address recent fraud issues (or rather, help them understand that we have already addressed the recent fraud issues)
  • Continue with the hiring process
  • Code review for Jeremy's pending globalcollect recurring module in civicrm

This week:

  • Three sessions of Mingle training
  • Continue to work with GlobalCollect
  • Deal with the mediawiki git migration. In other words: Start using git for the big four fundraising extensions.
  • Continue with the hiring process
  • Hopefully more code review for Jeremy's pending globalcollect recurring module in civicrm


  • Waiting on promised chargeback reports and additional hard data from GlobalCollect so we can bring our recent and deeply involved anti-fraud discussions to a close.



Last week:

  • Ian and Terry met with the Wikia team for a briefing about their notification design and architecture.
  • Provided them with the diagrams from the Product retreat.

This week:

  • Notifications will need to be separated out in the Engineering Goals document
  • Nothing. This will become a priority in the next fiscal year

Misc. and Platform Support


Roan (RoanKattouw)


Last week:

  • Git migration ate 3 full days of my time; not doing 20% until April 10th

This week:

  • RL2 sprint with Timo on Wednesday
  • AFTv5 mini-deployment on Wednesday



Last week:

  • Continuous integration
    • (labs/testswarm): Further working on implementation of the CI plan for JS-testing via SpecialJavaScriptTest in TestSwarm (at wmflabs/testswarm/swarm-specialpage)
    • TestSwarm: Working with jQuery to fix bugs in TestSwarm that we need fixed and implement an API (we've had a great start)
  • CodeReview
  • MediaWiki core: Bug fixes and development of mediawiki-core JS/CSS

This week:

  • ResourceLoader:
    • Sprint with Roan on Wednesday to make progress on Gadgets 2.0
  • Continuous integration
    • TestSwarm: Continue working with jQuery to fix bugs and API implementation (I expect to finish it this week)


  • Get review permission in Gerrit for mediawiki-core