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Wikimedia Features engineering/Notes/20111122

From mediawiki.org
Features team meeting

11:00 - 11:30 PDT / 20:00 - 20:30 CET

Place Regrets

Last week:

  • Finished document transaction functionality
  • Mocked up a basic undo/redo system
  • Refactored several parts of the code as needed

This week:

  • Finish undo/redo system
  • Create MediaWiki special page and resource-loader-ify the VisualEditor
  • Finalize the list of supported features


  • I can haz developerz?

Last week:

  • Fixed breakage in Trevor's prepareRemoval implementation and added test cases
  • Eliminated the droppable attribute after discussing with Trevor
  • Made stuff actually work in IE by not using non-IE-supported stuff :)
  • Fixed some issues in selectNodes, rewrote prepareRemoval in a much simpler way as a result

This week:

  • Clean up some of the code I wrote last week
  • Whatever else Trevor cooks up for me


  • Low availability this week

Last week:

  • Added support for content insertion and deletion (also across selection)

This week:

  • Undo/redo support
  • Integration with MediaWiki
  • Adding support for toolbar



Last week:

This week:



Last week:

  • Defined interface between tokenizer and HTML parsers based on survey of existing parsers
  • Hooked up node.js-compatible HTML5 parser with PEG tokenizer: Builds DOM (jsdom) from token stream and serializes that back using innerHTML for parser tests

This week:

  • Working on overlapping markup and italic/bold quirks in particular
    • Handle quirks and lists as transformation on token stream
    • Add HTML tag tokenization
    • Try to figure out a way to preserve spurious end tags as text without modifying the HTML parser part
  • Convert HTML DOM tree to WikiDom


  • None. New-fangled SSD suffered from infant amnesia on Monday, but a firmware update hopefully fixed that ;)

Last week:

  • Completed specs for bucketing with Trevor, Roan and OmniTI
  • Continued work on requirements for edit marking
  • Worked with Aaron and Oliver on toolsever tool mockup to support qualitative assessment of feedback streams generated by AFT
  • Community dept has no project in the pipeline for random task allocation via Call to actions (see last week's notes)

This week:

  • Sync with Fabrice re: edit marking strategy
  • Help with usability testing of first AFT widgets on prototype


  • Discussion on edit marking is currently stalled as most people involved in this decision are away/traveling; Fabrice and OmniTI have put this on hold until we hear back from Alolita/Erik, it's unlikely we'll be able to deploy this by the target date for AFTv5 (December 12)

Last week:

  • Reviewed proposed DB schema from OmniIT for AFTv5
  • Showed the OmniIT people how to deploy to the prototype server. They do this themselves now

This week:

  • Whatever is requested from me


  • Short on time this week, see visual editor section

Last week:

  • Resolve ie7 JS errors

This week:

  • Determine deployment requirements for ie7 compatibility


  • none

Last week:

This week:



Did deploy on Thursday. Diagnosed some issues discovered in deploy, helped them fix and then redeployed.


Last week:

  • Deploy phase1 bug fixes / admin action enhancements
  • Develop phase2 response front end

This week:

  • Phase 2 response enhancements
  • ie 6 / 7 Optimization
  • Deployment of phase 2 Feedback Response


  • None

Last week:

  • Deployed phase 1 bug fixes and started working on the feedback response API

This week:

  • Deploy the feedback response API and phase 1 bug fix
  • Work on the API that generates a list of response to a feedback


  • None

New Article Creation/New Page Patrol


Last week:

This week:



Last week:

  • Supported Oliver with analysis of survey data

This week:

  • same as above


  • none

Last week:

  • Worked with User:Ironholds on designing new page patroller interview
  • Reviewed NPP survey answers

This week:

  • Schedule (and possibly conduct) some interviews



Last week:

  • Deployed most recent fixes
    • realized some serious skews between prod/trunk required removing chunked uploads. Never a dull moment.
  • Bug triage, removed many outdated bugs, fixed others.
  • Dealt with some IE interface bugs with validation, still ongoing
  • Worked with Laureli Mallek on public domain licenses and other interface wordings deemed problematic on Commons. Tried a new interface where all licenses were previewable.

This week:

  • Deploy some small bugfixes
  • Review j's code fixing chunked uploads
  • Finish off that IE bug (or give to Jeroen)



Last week:

  • Had a bug triage session
  • Fixed some bugs, most specifically that category thing

This week:

  • Deploying the changes from last week



Last week:

  • squashed some bugs
Ian & Neil

Last week:

  • Caught up with recent fixes from mdale. Continued review

This week:

  • Continuing review

Team in Pune, sleeping. Connection not very good.


Last week:

  • Didn't have time for much real work. Responded to questions on the talk page and reviewed some of Timo's code, but didn't actually produce any code

This week:

  • I want to work on the unit tests suite, but I probably won't have time for that this week


  • Low availability this week

Last week:

  • "New category"-ajax finished, committed and deployed to prototype.

This week:

  • sick with the flu + other pains. Not sure if/what I'll do this week.


On hold
  • Out of work on this project

Other notes...

  • Worked with Timo and external research team (Harvard) on editor lookup routine for CentralNotice banners, banner design, privacy terms. Worked with Legal to prepare an agreement to be signed by Harvard before the banner goes live
  • Worked on draft for OAuth support in MediaWiki with Diederik
  • Low availability this week
    • Monday lost to travel
    • Tuesday lost to sleep and moving prep
    • Friday is my birthday
    • I guess this is not that bad considering the US folks are celebrating Thanksgiving
  • Have designated Wednesday as my 20 percent day