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Wikimedia Engineering Productivity Team/Values

From mediawiki.org

Team Values

  • Togetherness
    • We're a big team, and we all are here to do the best we can to support the Foundation and the community to do one of the biggest goals in the world. If we work together we can accomplish a lot. If we are always critiquing then we will never do the hard things.
  • Share responsibilities and mentor others
    • We can't do this alone and we can't silo ourselves into corners. Projects or work streams that have single points (individuals) of failure (SPOFs) lead to burn out and worse outcomes; we will work to minimize these SPOFs as much as possible.
  • Healthy
    • A healthy team is really just a group of people who are themselves healthy. Take care of your body, mind, and your relationships with your teammates. We will support you to take the time you need to be healthy.
  • Patience
    • Every one of us is still learning. When someone asks a question or doesn't know how to do something that is an opportunity to mentor and improve the health of the team. Treat it as such.
  • Constructive feedback
    • Disagreement is natural. Constructive feedback will make a better outcome for everyone. Be willing to engage in good faith when giving negative feedback.
  • Apologize and Forgive
    • We all make mistakes. When you make a mistake acknowledge it and apologize. The next step is learning from it and improving. At the same time, if you are on the receiving end and the other person makes a real effort to apologize and grow, forgive them. It frees you of your burden of resentment.
  • Inclusiveness
    • We are a multicultural, diverse, and complicated team. We also work consciously to be a welcoming place for all.
    • As such there is a ban on subtle racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, and other kinds of (systemic) bias.
    • Subtle -isms are small things that make others feel unwelcome, things that we all sometimes do by mistake. For example, saying "It's so easy my grandmother could do it" is a subtle -ism. Remember to apologize and forgive.