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Wikimedia Engineering/Report/2013/January/summary

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Engineering/Report/2013/January/summary and the translation is 60% complete.
Ce contenu est préparé pour être inclus dans le rapport de janvier 2013 de la Wikimedia Foundation. Il s'agit d'une version plus courte et plus simple du rapport technique complet de Wikimedia pour Janvier 2013 qui ne nécessite pas de connaissances techniques spécialisées.

Les nouvelles principales de janvier

En janvier, l'équipe VisualEditor a travaillé principalement à la révision et au nettoyage du code, qui a été activé sur Wikipédia en anglais en décembre. Ils ont passé du temps avec leurs collègues de l'équipe Parsoid à planifier la prochaine phase de développement, qui vise à faire de VisualEditor l'éditeur par défaut pour tous les Wikipédiens à partir de juillet 2013. La version alpha sur mediawiki.org et la Wikipédia en anglais ont été mis à jour deux fois, pour supprimer un certain nombre de bugs signalés par la communauté et faire quelques ajustements en fonction des commentaires.

L’équipe Parsoid (qui est en train de créer le programme de décomposition analytique qui traduit le wikitexte en HTML annoté pour une édition facile, et vice-versa) a aussi nettoyé le code et corrigé des bugs. Les fonctionnalités de Parsoid ont été revues afin d’être plus robustes et pour fournir un support avancé pour les wikis dans différentes configurations (y compris dans des langues autres que l’anglais). L’équipe a aussi discuté de la stratégie à long terme dans la feuille de route de Parsoid, dans laquelle ils ont décidé de focaliser leurs efforts sur le gain en performance et sur le stockage HTML, plutôt que sur une version de Parsoid orientée performance en C++.

This month, the Editor engagement team stepped up development on the Notifications project Echo, and updated the first experimental release on mediawiki.org. The user experience for core features was improved (such as the badge, fly-out, all-notifications page and email notifications) and development started on new features, like preferences. The team completed work on HTML emails and started development of a more robust job queue. A first release on the English Wikipedia is expected by the end of March; in the meantime, users can try the current version on mediawiki.org.

Flow, a feed-like interface to enable users to better interact with their projects, entered the product design phase in early January. It has several "modules", one of which is a design for a structured user-to-user communication system. User research began in order to learn how user-to-user talk pages are handled, and how to improve them. Engineering discussions started about potential back-end and performance difficulties, the possible use of Wikidata's ContentHandler, and the evaluation of Wikia's MessageWall. A consultation with the community is planned for early February, with experienced and newer users alike.

Regarding Article Feedback v5 (a quality assessment feature), its code was cleaned up in January, and new features (simpler moderation tools and better filters) were developed. An internal feedback evaluation study suggests that about 39% of the feedback collected can be used to improve articles. Discussions happened on the English and French Wikipedia regarding the future use of the tool, and the German pilot program is expected to continue until May.

The Editor Engagement Experiments team ("E3") launched guided tours on the English Wikipedia, a feature allowing contributors to build tours to guide newer users. Guided tours are planned as a permanent addition to Wikipedia, with each tour implementation considered to be experimental. While building guided tours, the team also tested the Getting Started landing page and task list, measuring the effect it had on driving new contributions. Analysis showed that the onboarding experience is leading to small but statistically significant increases in new English Wikipedians attempting to edit, as well as saving their first edit. In addition to measuring the effects of the guided tour associated with this project, immediate plans are to redesign the landing page and add additional task types, to entice more new contributors. Work also continued on refining the reliability and precision of the data collected from the EventLogging extension. In particular, it was migrated to a dedicated database, and the team began collecting data to measure, for example, account creations on desktop and mobile.

Après un lancement en douceur en décembre, GeoData a été officiellement annoncé ce mois-ci ; cette fonctionnalité, qui attache des coordonnées géographiques aux articles, sera particulièrement utile pour les mobiles « proches » du sujet (activé sur une version expérimentale du site) pour aider les contributeurs à identifier les articles requérant des photos pas trop éloignées de leur emplacement.

This month, the mobile web team also finished work on the watchlist feature, and focused their efforts on photo uploads by first adding basic uploading functionality: uploading images to Commons under a single Creative Commons license. A workflow was put in place to allow users to add a thumbnail of an image they just uploaded to the appropriate article on their local Wikipedia or sister project. These features are currently live on the Beta mobile site and are set to be released to the full mobile site in February.

Uploading photos was also the focus of the newly created "Apps team", who started to develop iOS and Android versions of an app to upload photos to Commons. The two basic apps can already upload, share and show the user's contributions.

In January, the Wikimedia Foundation was awarded a grant in the Knight News Challenge for our work in expanding Wikimedia mobile projects. Part of this grant will be used for Wikipedia Zero and the SMS/USSD projects to improve access to knowledge in the developing world. In addition, we've partnered with VimpelCom to provide Wikipedia Zero access to at least 100 million additional customers this year.

On other mobile platforms, we've begun to explore ways to reduce the memory and processor requirements of our J2ME app, to increase the number of phones that can use this application; we are also finishing work on capturing the metrics from the SMS server to learn usage numbers and determine how many sessions are completed.