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Wikimedia Discovery/Meetings/Checkin/2017-09-12

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past


 Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Wikimedia Developer Summit 2018 (Jan 22-23): Call for Position Statements, due Friday 9/29
  • WMF All-staff January 25-26
  • There have been questions about our human relevance testing, Trey is writing a blog post to explain the logic behind the tests

 Scrum of Scrums


Are we blocked?

  • None

Are we blocking?

  • None

Other dependencies (in either direction) which don’t need to be called out as “blocked” (e.g. are progressing smoothly, have no urgency, etc.)

  • Deploy discovery-analytics with scap3 (T129149): just needs appropriate configurations, Gehel will take it on.

Discovery News


Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update (if needed)


Discovery Roadmap FY 2017/18: https://docs.google.com/a/wikimedia.org/presentation/d/1N41eNrz0vFHJamLkhQjSFCOSiDg-bKr5H3ROchqwVJU/edit?usp=sharing

FY 2017-18 Q1 (Jul-Sep) goals: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Discovery#Projects

This status was last updated 2017-09-12. Completed/dropped goals are not shown.

Tech:Search Platform



Backend Search:

1. Implement advanced methodologies such as “learning to rank” machine learning techniques and signals to improve search result relevance across language Wikipedias.

  • Perform load tests and A/B tests on new models to make sure they can be safely deployed to production (IN PROGRESS)
  • When ready, deploy newly automated models which match (at a minimum) current performance of manually-configured search result relevance (CAN DEPLOY ENGLISH BEFORE END OF MONTH)

2. Improve support for multiple languages by researching and deploying new language analyzers as they make sense to individual language wikis.

  • Perform research spikes to find new analyzers for different languages (DONE for Japanese and Vietnamese)
  • Test new analyzers to see if they are improvements (Japanese and Vietnamese) (DONE—they are not, alas.)
  • Deploy new / updated analyzers (DONE—none to deploy)
  • Deploy analyzers in progress from last quarter (Hebrew)(WAITING)

WDQS: Wikidata Query Service goal for this quarter will be working on expanding category search in the query service, while also collecting SPARQL statistics; it will be maintained by Stas and Guillaume to support the continued growth and use of the service; the Analysis team will help with statistics.




Frontend Search:

  • Finish up testing of the Explore Similar feature on search results page
    • Analyze data and gather community feedback (DONE)
    • Request internationalization strings (DONE)
    • Deploy feature (ON HOLD PENDING 2ND TEST)

Portal: Wikipedia.org Portal team will not have any dedicated goals this quarter other than continuing to maintain the page by fixing critical bugs and performing regular statistics and translations updates.

Maps: The Maps goal for this quarter is to finalize and deploy the new map style, as well as monitoring the service for critical bugs and increasing the frequency of OSM replication.

Analysis: The team will continue to work closely with the Search teams to analyze A/B tests and other assorted data; they will also prototype automated A/B test reports and investigate addition of Continuous Integration to their R codebases.


  • Sep 18 - 29 are all remote weeks when the SF office move happens
  • Oct 9: US Holiday (Labor Day)
  • Nov 11: US Holiday
  • OOO