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Wikimedia Discovery/Meetings/Checkin/2017-06-06

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past


Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Submit your offsite/hackathon expense reports!!
  • Submit your wellness benefits report!
  • Sign up for staff movement strategy workshops
  • Kevin’s new role
  • Should we change our SoS representation? Should Stas change his reporting to “Search Platform” and have the front-end work show up within Readers?
    • [Small discussion; no resolution; remains an open question]
  • Public communications about tune-up are expected this week
  • Enabling cross-wiki search tomorrow!
    • Need a wiki admin to do something on French and Catalan (David will follow up with Chris)

Scrum of Scrums


Are we blocked?

  • None

Are we blocking?

  • None

Other dependencies (in either direction) which don’t need to be called out as “blocked” (e.g. are progressing smoothly, have no urgency, etc.)

  • Reminder: Default purging strategy for new schemas since July 2016 is full purge after 90 days. If you want new schemas since that date not to be fully purged after 90 days, please contact Analytics as soon as possible.
  • iOS: Last week: Places search updates: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T159733
  • WARNING: Ops will be removing Salt near the end of next quarter, that means no more Trebuchet as well. See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T129290#3245438 for a list of things still needing migration to scap3.
  • JsonConfig needs attention, but from who? JSONconfig for tabular
    • Erika will talk w/Deb; Kevin will talk w/GregG

Discovery News


Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update (if needed)


Discovery Roadmap FY2016/17: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ctlqdLA__0OxDuO7mJEIDLP-xt9a7E4jv4INMlZAHdQ

This status was last updated 2017-06-06. Completed/dropped goals are not shown. 

FY 2016-17 Q4 (Apr-Jun) goals: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Engineering/2016-17_Q4_Goals#Discovery

  • Improve search by researching and load testing machine learning to automatically re-rank search results
    • Research and develop new models to determine which ones work best DONE
    • Build out data munging and data pipeline to develop new models DONE
    • Deploy automated model which matches current performance of manually-configured search result relevance NOT THIS Q?
    • Begin performing load tests on new models to make sure they can be safely deployed to production  SHOULD START SOON (on relforge)
  • Improve search support for different languages by researching and deploying new language analyzers
    • Perform research spikes to find new analyzers for different languages
    • Test new analyzers to see if they are improvements
    • Deploy new analyzers that are found to be an improvement
      • Several are ready to deploy, but are delayed by ongoing elasticsearch upgrade.
  • Refine and test new design of search results page with occasional deployments
    • Test new functionality with at least 2 A/B tests DID ONE
    • Analyze tests and gather community feedback ANALYZED ONE
    • Roll out new functionality with small releases to production across all Wikipedias SHOULD HAPPEN SOON
  • Stabilize maps and graphs code base
    • Stabilize and fix high priority bugs
      • Only 2 remaining open tasks for minimum stabilization  


  • June 7: CREDIT showcase CANCELED
  • June 19: WMF holiday
  • July 4: US holiday
  • July 18: Next All-Discovery retro
  • July 24-August 4: WMF staff encouraged to work remotely
  • OOO
    • Katie out for fr-tech offsite 6/4 to 6/8
    • Guillaume off June 8-9
    • Erika OOO June 8-9 (vacation)
    • Erika OOO June 20-22 (WikiLead)
    • Deb switching June 19 to June 16 (Monday to Friday) for WMF holiday
    • Deb off July 3
    • Guillaume on vacation from July 10 to 21st
    • Paul off July 16-23 (vacation/camp)
    • Deb in Montreal for Wikimania and Hackathon Aug 8-14
    • David (August: wikimania + vacation 2 weeks after the event, back on Aug 29)
    • Paul off August 18-20 + travel (State of the Map)
    • Paul off October 19-22 + travel (State of the Map US)