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Wikimedia Discovery/Meetings/Checkin/2016-07-19

From mediawiki.org

Guest Facilitator/Note-taker: Mikhail

Topics from the past

  • “Kevin plans to rearrange the team retrospectives to do one team per week”?
  • Katie has all the 1:1s now

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • RelEng announced that X-Wikimedia-Debug will be supported by SWAT (see GregG’s email)
  • HTTP Proxy header was disabled, causing some issue that we were late to detect (https://httpoxy.org/). If you see strange things, think about that…
    • Weird bug that allows you to set a setting from the outside; MediaWiki is not affected in most configurations BUT could be
    • Change was rolled back because it was causing problems
    • We shouldn’t worry about it, apparently?
  • Daisy will be presenting tomorrow (Wednesday) on portal research during Research Showcase

Scrum of Scrums


Are we blocked?

  • None

Are we blocking? (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/blocked-on-search/)

  • None

Other dependencies (in either direction) which don’t need to be called out as “blocked” (e.g. are progressing smoothly, have no urgency, etc.)

  • “Should HTML formatting/DOM manip (presentation, responsiveness) be done in JS (frontend) or in PHP (backend)”
    • https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T136458
  • T139378 - implement nearby keyword search - working on this for the Reading Department
    • First iteration done and deployed
    • Will wait for feedback and see if any more changes are required
  • Strong dependency on ops for map servers this quarter (Guillaume is coordinating)
    • Ops are OK with enabling Kartographer on small wikis

Discovery News



  • Next Discovery team retrospectives: TBD (late July/early August)
  • Next Showcase (“CREDIT”): Scheduled August 3
    • Signup: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/CREDIT
  • Next All-Discovery retro TBD (mid-October)
  • Guillaume on vacation next week
  • Jan, Kevin and David on vacation this week
  • Dan, Yuri, Julien, Deb, Max, and Katie will be at State of the Map US Conference Saturday - Monday (traveling Friday and Tuesday)
    • Katherine, our ED, is keynoting the event
  • Stas in Seattle on Friday for https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/DataViz_Seattle_hackathon