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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2016-03-15

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past

  • Annual planning (submitted to finance on Friday Mar 4)
    • We will get feedback this week
    • Early feedback about the numbers is positive;
    • Work on narrative this Wed/Thurs
    • Final deadline is March 31
  • Q4 goals (draft was due on Friday Mar 4)
    • Nothing has changed. We still have 7 goals, but need to cut down search goals.
    • Dan will work w/Erik and then others as needed
  • Worth spending more effort on documentation (e.g. TextCat)?
    • Should we have a semi-formal policy about the importance of documentation?
    • Concerns about over-documenting (e.g. not agile)
    • Move the conversation to email
    • Dan is willing to prioritize phab tasks to write docs on specific topics
    • Chris can alert if we are answering the same question multiple times (feature-level)
    • Multiple audiences (onboarding new staff, end-users on Wikimedia sites, end users on third party sites, other devs)
  • QuickSurvey:
    • Some remaining questions regarding privacy policy (Dan will check w/Leila)
    • Then we can submit a patch to get reviewed and deployed
    • Need to create messages in the mw namespace, so might need to limit one one (or few) wiki.
    • This is lower priority than some other work right now

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Team retrospectives have been scheduled (this week and next)
  • Julien will be working with the Maps team through the end of this quarter
  • Reminder: Submit items for the Discovery status updates
  • Portal dashboard has not yet shown increase in searching which we were expecting; too early to tell

Scrum of Scrums


NOTE: Stas and Yuri were missing for this part, so some might be out of date


  • Stas and Yuri will talk to ops about SPARQL query caching (?)
    • Discussed; found bug which ops will fix
    • Open question about how long cache should live
  • SVG sanitizer security review (graphs) (?)
  • Maps hardware
    • We think this may have to wait until after elastic hardware
    • Tomasz will follow up with Mark
  • Elastic hardware
    • Awaiting ops (Mark’s) approval


  • Are we blocking?  https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/blocked-on-search/

Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update (if needed)


Q3 goals (excluding those that are done):

  • Completion suggester: Roll out to full production: Plans being worked out
  • Review ES configuration: In progress
    • “Done enough” but will keep doing
  • Quick survey for search results: At risk
  • Portal: Run 3 A/B tests: At risk (we ran an a/b/c test and expect to run one more)
  • Maps: Wikivoyage in all languages: Deployed but adoption of German and Dutch is blocked on community

Q4 goals

  • draft is up: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Engineering/2015-16_Q4_Goals#Discovery


  • Next Discovery retrospective: Team retrospectives spread over the next couple weeks
  • Next Showcase (“CREDIT”): April 6
    • Signup: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/CREDIT