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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2016-03-01

From mediawiki.org

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Annual planning (will be submitted to finance on Friday)
  • Q4 goals (draft is due on Friday)
  • Dan will list team member assignments on Discovery page
  • Deb will be in the SF office March 7 - 10th
  • Tomasz, Dan and Deb will be mostly unavailable on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th March due to product on-site meeting
  • Are we going to do weekly status reports (like wikidata does)?
    • Chris has looked into it a bit. Chris will follow up to figure out what would work
    • How would the information get to Chris so he would know what to include
  • Are there any hackathon travel issues? No
  • Feedback on maps from wikivoyage? Any product requests for next quarter?
    • “Make the map richer (e.g. POI)”
    • For Q4 goals, we need to decide what makes sense for maps

Scrum of Scrums



  • Quicksurvey
  • Stas and Yuri will talk to ops about SPARQL query caching
  • SVG sanitizer security review (graphs)
  • Maps hardware


Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update (if needed)

  • Q3 goals (excluding those that are done):
    • Roll out completion suggester to full production: Plans being worked out
    • Review ES configuration: In progress
    • Quick survey: At risk
    • Portal: Run 3 A/B tests: At risk (one has been run, need two more)
    • Portal: Graduate at least one to production: In progress; taking longer than expected
    • WDQS: Update blazegraph to 2.0: Done
    • WDQS: Research and understand Geospatial: In progress. Might even get it implemented.
    • Maps: Wikivoyage in all languages: In progress (most major ones are done)

