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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2016-02-23

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past

  • Dan will schedule the next session to talk about the strategy part of our annual plan (aiming for tomorrow)
    • Happened. Will do another this week.

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Maps planning session right after this meeting today
  • Trouble booking hackathon travel?
    • Apparently not
    • We think about 5 Discovery people are going
  • Chris K out of office Fri March 4 to Wed March 9
  • Larger showcase feedback?
    • Some feel more involved; others feel less involved
    • Harder to put yourself in front of 100 people than 10
    • Feels like there is a higher bar, whereas the original team showcase was informal
    • Feels more like metrics (large space, public broadcast)
    • Yuri treats everyone as if they were a small audience; doesn’t distinguish; no slide deck needed
  • Yuri shared an interactive graph that has been well-received

Scrum of Scrums

  • Nothing


  • Quicksurvey
  • Stas and Yuri want to talk to ops about SPARQL query caching


Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update (if needed)

  • Dan is focused more on annual planning right now
  • Q4 goals draft is up, but needs work. Please put proposals on that page.
    • Plan to have discussions first week of March to start to refine Q4 goals
  • Q3 goals:
    • Completion suggester beta: Done
    • Roll out to full production: Plans being worked out
    • Review ES configuration: In progress
    • Integrate pageview data: Is part of completion suggester but would be nice to do fulltext too
    • Quick survey: At risk
    • Portal: Run 3 A/B tests: At risk (one has been run, need two more)
    • Portal: Graduate at least one to production: In progress; taking longer than expected
      • Dan’s advice: Try to pick a date and hit it (to promote the one successful test to production)
    • WDQS: Update blazegraph: In progress. Hit some problems, but may be solved. Looking good
    • WDQS: Research and understand Geospatial: In progress. Might even get it implemented.
    • Maps: Wikivoyage in all languages: en ru are running; message drafted to ask other languages to consider switching

