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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2016-02-17

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past

  • Update on future showcase and lightning talks
    • Yuri presented at the lightning talks yesterday
    • Current thinking by Adam/Kevin L is to replace lightning talks with CREDIT showcase
  • Submit your expense reports, if you haven’t already
  • Is anyone having trouble booking hackathon? Has everyone contacted travel?
    • Nobody is blocked

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Anything from yesterday’s meeting regarding Discovery, the grant, and recent press?
    • Tomasz is talking w/comms about communications w/Signpost
    • Lila is considering some form of AMA (ask me anything)
    • When will we post the notes from yesterday's meeting?
      • “Soon”. Everyone should review them first be sure the notes are accurate
      • Kevin/Tomasz will get them posted
  • How can Chris help Discovery engage with the community?
    • Some concern about a post which led to a quick discussion about what is or is not a “search engine”, and what is or isn’t a “plan”
    • Advice from Kevin to Chris: When you are confident just answering, do so. But don't hesitate to ask questions of anyone on the team, and feel free to run ideas or drafts past any of us as well.
  • Dan will schedule the next session to talk about the strategy part of our annual plan (aiming for tomorrow)
  • Tomasz hoping to attend Elasticon this week, but might pass to Max
  • Kartographer (maps) extension is now in beta; almost ready to launch on wikivoyage
    • Still needs lots of polishing (e.g. RTL), but that might not hold up deployment on English projects
  • Kevin will be out this Friday

Scrum of Scrums



  • Quicksurvey
    • Had meeting; ops is giving feedback on options; moving forward
  • Stas and Yuri want to talk to ops about SPARQL query caching (there is a phab task for it)


  • Are we blocking? No

