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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2015-12-01

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past

  • Analysis team hasn’t been sufficiently notified of changes to data-related backend stuff, leading to missing data on the dashboards.
    • Oliver, Mikhail, Dan will discuss further
  • Quick survey ?
    • Probably not this year (due to external dependencies: inability to track users across wikis)
    • What could we do this quarter? Moiz/Tomasz will ponder; Moiz will meet w/Abby
  • Q3 goals

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Quarterly review Jan 21; Tomasz may ask for help
  • Beta feature needs an icon; Dan created a skeletal task for it https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T119991
  • Yuri has suggested adding graphs to the dashboard
    • Dan will discuss w/Analysis team
    • Graphs have ongoing maintenance; not all possible graphs should be implemented
  • Reminder that we should embrace the open source approach, accepting contributions from outside the team
  • FYI: Blazegraph will release a new version soon, with geospatial search; might want to integrate into WDQS. Details to come; may be relevant next quarter.

Scrum of Scrums


Anything from SoS that we should be aware of?

  • Nope



Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update

  • Search: Improve language search goal is done (feature has a small impact)
    • Report was a PDF. Can we put it on a wiki, or at least upload the PDF?
    • Can we standardize on a report format.
    • Oliver will upload to commons
  • Maps: Yuri will propose some ideas
    • Get it on wiki; then have some interactive meetings
    • Try to align with other teams outside Discovery during the dev summit/all-hands


  • Deployment freeze Dec 1-4
  • Next Showcase (Discovery+Reading+Editing): Dec 14
  • Deployment freeze Dec 18 - Jan 8
  • Holiday Dec 25 (Friday)
  • Next Discovery retrospective: Dec 28
  • Holiday Jan 1 (Friday)
  • Dev Summit Jan 4-6
  • All-hands Jan 7-8
  • Discovery Summit Jan 11-12