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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2015-10-26

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past



Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Showcase Wednesday at 12:05 pm SF time
    • Awkward time is one-off. Will be Mondays in the future.
    • Be constructive; take any negativity offline
    • Might run out of time, so sign up early if you really want to present
  • Relevance engineer job is posted. Referrals welcome!
  • Dashboards are down. Will be repaired.
  • Moiz/Tomasz are working with Reading on survey software replacement to avoid qualtrix

Scrum of Scrums



Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update

  • Q2 goals intro/refresher
    • Languages
    • Satisfaction


  • Next Showcase (Discovery+Reading): Oct 28
  • Next Discovery retrospective: Nov 2
  • Holiday Nov 11
  • Holiday Nov 26-27
  • Holiday Dec 25
  • Holiday Jan 1
  • Dev Summit Jan 4-6
  • All-hands Jan 7-8
  • Discovery Summit Jan 11-12