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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2015-09-14

From mediawiki.org

Topics from last week

  • Status of Maps announcement?
    • Was blocked on getting dashboards hooked up
    • Should happen today or tomorrow

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Just had “next steps” meeting for ZRR searches.
    • Primary result: improving stop words/and relaxation
  • We were seeing some serious sampling issues...lacking confidence
    • Erik: No answers yet, but is asking for help from analytics
  • Offsite
    • Planning still underway
    • If you haven’t booked travel, do so
    • Rocket launch scheduled for that Friday morning (6am), so optional team field trip
    • Some events (including some workshop events) at Kennedy Space Center
  • Quarterly goal planning is ongoing
  • Lightning talks? Yuri planned to sign up. Stas hasn’t yet but will.
  • Email thread about adding another meeting for developers
    • Wes: Perhaps the monthly showcase could serve part of that purpose?
  • WDQS dashboard
    • Had a spike in activity from the announcement, now level.
    • We should understand those customers.
      • Our plan is to set up a google form to get feedback from users
      • Dan will ask analysts to put together a quick report on types of searches being done
    • Lydia (wmde) sent nice note of praise
  • Look at Q2 goals page (and leave comments there)
  • Dan/Moiz met Friday regarding UX for searching in other languages
  • New UX eng (Julian) will join us October 1
  • Survey should be mocked up today, after which they can be built

Scrum of Scrums

  • Anything from SoS that we should be aware of?
    • Tomasz will check in with Android on their maps alpha/beta

Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update

  • Deploy Maps to Production
    • Has been deployed; cleaning up loose ends
  • Deploy WDQS to Production
    • Has been deployed and announced
  • Reducing Zero results
    • Goal has a “Yellow” status
    • Completion suggester A/B test running now
      • But concerned about accuracy/reliability of data
    • Plan to start language test next Tuesday
      • Restart by Thursday will bring indexes
      • Blocker is UX, but phab task shows that should be easy
    • ALL TESTS ARE BLOCKED until we figure out and fix the bucketing weirdness
  • Defining Satisfaction metric
    • Quantitative: We have implemented a URL-based system that doesn’t break caching
      • Needs to be productionized, but later
    • Qualitative: Need to put a survey on search results for subset of users
    • Meeting with duckduckgo (this week) about how to track satisfaction
  • Measuring API usage
    • Completed.


  • Next Discovery retrospective: Sept 14 (TODAY)
  • Next Discovery showcase: Sept 21
  • Gerrit cleanup day: Wed Sept 23
  • Discovery Offsite Sept 30-Oct 2 (details TBA)