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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2015-08-31

From mediawiki.org

Topics from last week

  • Debrief from “social” event last Monday
    • Was unstructured. Some work-relevant discussions. Some non-relevant but community-building discussions.
    • Trey had a chance to meet some people he wouldn’t otherwise
    • Goal was to get people talking across dept/team boundaries, so it was a success
    • We will be doing more of them in the future

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Next Monday (Sept 7) is a US holiday (IT/office support will be off)
    • No action needed if you plan to take it off
    • If you want to float the holiday to a different day, let ADP and your manager know
  • Offsite is just over 4 weeks away
    • Dates are locked in (Sept 30-Oct 2. Venue is being finalized.
    • Should be able to start booking travel this week.
    • 3 days (each one half workshop, half workday)
    • Should team members be doing any prep? Nope, just bring yourself, your laptop, and your cheerful attitude.
    • Can extend the trip on your own time (coordinate with your manager)
  • Managers had an "offsite" last week
    • Probably will move toward committing to having an annual roadmap for the whole org
    • Wes will share details next week or at offsite
  • Dan presented on zero results last week. Went well.
  • When will we announce WDQS?
    • Dan is coordinating with communications

Scrum of Scrums


Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update


(How are we doing; any current or imminent work to improve them)

  • Deploy Maps to Production
  • Deploy WDQS to Production
  • Reducing Zero results
    • “Phrase slop” test finished
    • High priority to get the next test (suggester) rolled out
    • Goal has a “Yellow” status
    • We should start having conversations about shifting or framing the goal
  • Defining Satisfaction metric
  • Measuring API usage
    • Completed.


  • Next Discovery retrospective: Sept 14
  • Next Discovery showcase: Sept 21
  • Gerrit cleanup day (Wed Sept 23)
  • Offsite Sept 30 (details TBA)