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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2015-08-17

From mediawiki.org

Topics from last week (which might not need attention)

  • Survey outcomes
    • Postponed to next week since Moiz isn't here
  • Wes: Q1 Goals update
    • Monthly checkin to create a single summary of status; built from wiki pages
    • Wes showed us some slides from other teams, which are not shareable at this point
  • Quick recap of Q2 Goals session?
    • Wes appreciates everyone's participation; Dan will follow up
  • Need a substitute for this week’s Scrum of Scrums
    • Erik volunteered

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Discvoery Showcase happens less than an hour from now
    • To present, please sign up in the etherpad if you haven't already
  • Maps is public!
    • Any code that accesses maps must come from wmflabs
  • WDQS doesn't need that same restriction, as long as it remains just test traffic
    • Currently has no caching, including static files (Stas to follow-up offline)
  • Dan and Wes have worked on a one-year high-level roadmap; will share at offsite
  • We have hired a front end engineer!
    • Start date has not been set yet

Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update


(How are we doing; any current or imminent work to improve them)

  • This Thursday, we’ll start testing “phrase slop”
    • Will run for a week; smaller samples should make for easier analysis
    • Mikhail is testing logs format for upcoming A/B test
    • Someone needs to poke otto regarding deployment (?)
  • The next test after that should be a non-config change (suggester)
  • Solidifying user satisfaction metrics keeps getting delayed; will be a bottleneck
    • Blocking work for Lila has been finished, so Oliver will focus on user satisfaction

Scrum of Scrums

  • Are we blocked?
    • No
    • Thanks very much to ops, security, and legal for their recent help with both Maps and WDQS!
  • Are we blocking? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/blocked-on-search/
    • VE Bug caused by search results.
      • Patch pending, was waiting for Brad’s return; we will try to expedite
  • Anything from SoS that we should be aware of?
    • Nope

  • Not for SoS, but we have other cross-departmental dependencies
    • Ops Q1 goal multi-datacenter (we will assist upon request)
  • Not really SoS blockers, but cases where Discovery members are needed by other projects:
    • Charts security issue (Yuri, following up on pre-reorg obligations)
    • Wikipedia zero (Yuri is still assigned there part-time)
    • Transparency report (Moiz, following up on pre-reorg obligations)

