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Wikimedia Developer Summit/2017/Action API

From mediawiki.org
  • Topics for discussion:
  • Overview of the Action API
  • A recent change with the API is i18n error messages
  • API workboard backlog 
  • Q: As a newish person, why do we have two APIs?
  • A:  Comparing and contrasting the different APIs:
    • Action API: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Main_page
      • The very first API was query.php, correlated to the query action in the action api.
      • Later renamed to api.php
      • Its scope was broadened to include edits (so screen-scraping wasn't required) so it was renamed and rearchitected.
    • Restbase API: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/RESTBase
      • A few years back there was a push for a more REST-oriented API to do a slightly different set of things.
      • Parsoid, for example, is only available in the REST API.
      • One major motivation is caching.
      • The REST API is more one-thing-at-a-time and tries to make responses cacheable, whereas the action API is batched and harder to cache 
  • Q: Is the plan to move away from the action API?
  • A: Yes, but we try to maintain backwards compability and functionality (this was probably misunderstood)
  • --- [post-meeting edit: The "Answer" here is incorrect, I don't know where it came from. No, there are no plans to move away from the action API. If I recall, the discussion was around the fact that the action API and REST APIs serve different purposes and both are useful for different kinds of tasks.]
  • Q: Do people find it OK to have to use multiple APIs, or would it be better to proxy one through the other?
  • A:
    • There's a benefit to having multiple 
    • but we do have to be careful about accidentally creating footguns if there are API inconsenticies (e.g. assumptions for REST API that aren't directly applicable to a proxied-through Action API
    • Two examples of proxying is ORES via action API, and some PageView stuff in the works
  • Q: Is there a plan to use these APIs for frontends?
  • A:
    • There are gradual changes towards API-driven frontend
      • [post-meeting edit: This doesn't really correctly characterize the discussion as I remember it. The discussion along these lines was referring to things like the mobile apps that are API-driven, but not blue-sky proposals some have made to make an API-driven web frontend.]
    • There is research under way to look at offline use cases / progressive web apps
  • Question for the room: does anyone hit the upper limit of the Restbase API?
  • Discussion:
    • Parsoid is the largest consumer of the Action API
    • Is that tied to user activity?
      • It's tied to post-edit jobs to, for example, prepare the page for the next edit
  • Q: At some point there was a graph on grafana with API usage and statistics, are there plans to bring it back?
  • A: Not sure
    • Why would that be useful?
      • It could be useful as a tool for identifying which jobs could be converted from Action API to Restbase, so as to reduce load across the system
    • data exists (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Analytics/Data/ApiAction), might be available on request. The intention is to have some kind of public dashboard eventually.
      • these data could be possibly fetched to grafana (by creating some script etc) if needed. I believe if there is a need for such a workboard, just file a ticket and maybe it will happen some day
  • Q: Authentication/Authorization for frontends
  • A:
  • Q: How to handle breaking changes to API?
  • Discussion:
    • Make sure to be subscribed to mediawiki-api / mediawiki-api-announce as we notify breaking changes there
    • Deprecation process: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/API_roadmap#Deprecation_process (should probably be copied somewhere more "official")
    • Logging
      • When deprecated code is called, that action triggers the PSR logger
      • Stored in logstash
    • Proposal: use rate limiting to better handle deprecation (force users to register if they use make more than a certain number of requests)
      • Makes development and debugging harder
      • Difficult to make the 1 in a 1000 requests still work
      • People can just reuse the key used by popular existing clients
  • Q: Policy on logging IP addresses
  • A: Log IP addresses to track abuse, but track the minimum possible and purge on a regular basis. Trying to decide whether it's possible to only store hashed IP addresses  (T150545).
  • Q: Performance for RESTBase API
  • A: A responsible client will use the Max-length header to avoiding overloading server (this might have been the action API and maxlag parameter) (it was)
  • Q: Goals of the Action API vs. Wikidata API vs. RESTBase API
  • A: Wikidata API is part of the Action API (apart from WDQS, the SPARQL endpoint), although it does ot always follow the usual conventions.
  • Action items:
    • add more information to the deprecation warnings in the API response