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Wikimedia Developer Summit/2017/A unified vision for editorial collaboration

From mediawiki.org

This a main topic discussed at the Wikimedia Developer Summit 2017, facilitated by FIXME (main contact) and ...

The problem


FIXME: problem statement and background information useful for new participants.

Excerpts from the prior discussions leading to this main topic (1) (2):

A plan for discussion pages in MediaWiki, because it is a key aspect of user collaboration and we are far from meeting all user expectations.

Merge the different feeds for the tracking changes pages (history, usercontribs, recentchanges, watchlist, logs, etc) to allow for easier maintenance and improvements. This would make it easier to add simple "re-designs" (layout tweaks, that can be toggled on/off) to all pages at once. This would make it easier for newcomer editors/readers to understand the contents of the various pages.

Real-time collaborative editing. Often discussed, rarely planned at a long-term level.

(A unified vision for) Collaboration

  • Real-time collaboration (not just editing, but chatting, curation, patrolling)
  • WikiProject enhancements: User groups, finding people to work with, making these first class DB concepts
  • Civility/diversity/inclusiveness, mechanisms to handle/prevent harassment, vandalism, trolling while working together
  • Real-time reading -- watching edits occur in real time
  • Integration with WikiEdu
  • Broadening notion of "an edit" in DB -- multiple contributors, possibly multiple levels of granularity
  • Tip-toeing toward "draft"/"merge" models of editing
  • Better diff tools: refreshed non-wikitext UX, timelines, authorship maps, etc.

Proposals welcome


FIXME: what kind of proposals are you encouraging for the Summit?

Learn more


FIXME: useful links.