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Wikimedia Apps/imported/Retrospective-October 16 2014

From mediawiki.org

Previous Retrospective Actions

  • Contact Maryana/Dario for any analytics-related issues [ALL]
    • Jon (new member of PM group) will be joining "in the background" to examine mobile data as part of his onboarding; not sure what long-term plan is yet
    • Dan will be meeting with Howie et al later to get clarity on Jon's role
  • Make sure that mocks are linked to sprint task from design board [Vibha] DONE, ONGOING
  • Invite all team members to design review meeting (leads required, others optional); move meeting to an earlier time if possible [Dan] DONE
  • Create designs for iOS AND Android (even if one team will not be working on the feature) [Vibha] DONE, ONGOING
  • Figure out how to get feedback from testflight to OTRS [Monte/Dan] TABLED
    • investigated, but not solved
    • Dan is reading test flight reviews, OK if we don't to respond to all
  • Clarify expectations about pre- and post-release analytics with Howie [Vibha] DONE
  • Meet to discuss a better process for tracking what features are in beta and what it takes to get them to production [Kristen] DONE
    • see Dan's email about release process/timing

Outstanding items from previous (previous) retrospective:

  • Set up monthly apps data review meeting [Dan/Vibha] TABLED
    • Jon will be addressing some of this, let's see how it goes
    • discuss analytics needs with Lila; can we clarify if there are resources for apps?
    • first we need to know what we want: eg one-click access to all apps schema data
  • Blog post and social media to recruit testers [Monte/Vibha/Moiz/Dmitry] IN PROGRESS
    • Dan is reviewing

Worked Well

  • being at the office! +1+1+1
  • Having developer team come talk to users with design and research +1
  • house of air!!!!111+1 <--designers you missed out
  • iOS refactored code is much cleaner +1+1
  • Android refactored code is awesome+1+1
  • Unstructured Sprint +1+1
  • Dan had fun doing more coding for Android
  • Hacks that come out of unstructured time +1+1++1
  • Monte and Dmitry doing a blog post
  • brainstorming about the future of Wikipedia on mobile devices with everyone
  • Quarterly planning +1+1+1
    • might be useful to do this earlier
    • longer offsite would be great
  • Dan in the process of handing off SUL work to Keegan +1 +1

Worked Poorly

  • analytics bla bla bla +1
  • iOS refactoring has run overtime +1+1+1
    • see " IOS devs are overworked"
  • Android refactoring run a bit overtime
  • missing Yuvi

Confuses Us

  • analytics - consult with tomasz?
  • IOS Recruitment? IOS devs are overworked +1+1+1+1
    • mobile web recruitment done, iOS now priority
    • Tomasz agreed to 2 iOS devs
  • Apple. :P More release woes as their system updates and occasionally breaks. +1
  • "Project Lead for Mobile" vs "Product Owner for Mobile Apps"
    • Meeting with Howie to clarify
  • Owning technical research
    • tech lead owns? can delegate
  • wikidata is a concern overall, acknowledged by sr mgmt+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
    • see Maryana's wikidata asks
    • has been shared w/directors, damon, lila
    • need to keep the pressure on
    • generate laundry list of use cases that are dependent on wikidata
    • brign up w/directors on one-on-one
    • bring to Damon
    • structured data shoudl be #1 priority, even over mobile
      • it's our need to make mobile work well! keep talking up structured data needs
      • start implementing things to drive development on their end