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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2018-11-13

From mediawiki.org


Previous AIs


- Josh: Questions for Carolyn: tab bar/toolbar transition changes, random button transition is less good, tap to highlight on cell; ipad lab [DONE]

- Joe: update deployment page [DONE]

- Josh: note exploratory tickets for next QA email [TO DO]

Admin Stuff


Natalia's upcoming vacation:

  •    Wed 11/21 before Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving travel) (1 day)
  •    Wed 12/12 - Thu 12/14 (traveling to the UK) (3 days)
  •    Tue 12/18 - Wed 12/19 (traveling to Europe) (2 days)
  •    Thu 01/10 (travel) (traveling to Scotland) (1 day)
  •    Tue 01/15 - 01/16 (traveling to the US) (2 days)

Josh: Mon/Tues after TDay - Nov 26th and 27th

is everyone taking Thanksgiving 11/22 - 23? YES (sorry for wrong dates) :)

Monte: taking entire thanksgiving week off

Joe: out 11/21

Carolyn: out 11/21



Smoke test on 6.1.1

reminder: tag QA tickets with "Audiences QA"

(check in at next retro about continued use of this tag)



- Verification of Wikidata tracking/data collection

- Quarterly metrics check-in next week. Anything you want to mentioned?




- Service standardization

- 6.1.1 changes

- Testing system

- check in with RI - who? Bernd and/or Michael

- A/B testing on iOS side? will need different campaign ids [NO]

- impact on 6.1.1?


- Core epics:

    - Syntax highlighting https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T209167

    - Wikitext editing chrome https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T209168

    - Editing submission flow (minus preview) https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T209170

- Technical work on highlighting

- Other priorities? Officially in Exploratory phase this week?

- Beta is targeting before xmas, so we need to get rolling

- No strategy in person event

- Open source tools survey



6.1.1 when it gets released

Action Items


carryover:   Josh: note exploratory tickets for next QA email

Joe: write up fundraising discussion on phab

Carolyn: sync with Robin on design

Josh: write up announcement card

Lani: meeting w/ above + Robin, Bernd, Michael, 15 min Thurs/Fri - sync on final requirements for fundraising [DONE]

"make 'er done"