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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2018-05-29

From mediawiki.org


Previous action Items


- Lani: team calendar [DONE]

- Lani: email Anthony re testing [DONE]

- Josh: FAQ update and translation? [to do]

Admin Stuff


- new devices? (wait 1 week for after WWDC)

- Monte off 06/04/2018 - 06/05/2018 (possibly June 21st to 28th too)



- Deadline and task for smoke test of 5.8.2

- Monte: i'd like to meet with Anthony at some point to chat about auto-screenshotting



- 5.8.2 release review (will go out nearly next week?)

-- Josh to define which store copy for localization by EOD

- 5.9 becomes 6? (yes)

- Nice-to-haves:

  • iPad portions of the UI/UX tickets
  • Improved transitions for feed
  • Iterative progress/follow-up work for new APIs (media, css, announcements, etc)
  • Wikidata descriptions (notification) spike : https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T193691

- Not happening:

  • Chinese variants (remove tickets?)
  • Wikidata description editing

- Carolyn last minute needs?

- WWDC reminder

Action Items


- Lani and Josh: QA email and subtask

- Lani: change 5.9 to 6